千歳・支笏湖氷濤まつりLake Shikotsu Ice Festival

© City of Chitose
The Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival, one of the most popular events as well as Sapporo Snow Festival in winter in Sapporo, took place for approximately 2 weeks in the depth of winter毎年1月下旬から2月上旬の厳冬の中、約2週間に渡り開催される「千歳・支笏湖氷檮まつり」。さっぽろ雪まつりとならび北海道の代表的な冬のイベントの1つとなっている。
Text: Tatsuhiko Akutsu
Photo: Hiroshi Kotake, from the end of January to the beginning of February.
The sculptures, created by sprinkling and congealing water from Lake Shikotsu, were gleamed in natural blue in the daytime, and were beautifully illuminated with different colors of lights at night. The scrupulously finished iced objects were like limestones which were formed over millions of years.
However, according to the nature of ice, they would undeniably melt away in the course of time. All the more, there you can experience the brief moment of nowhere else. The illusory sight of this festival reminds us of “the beauty in fragility”, which all of us might have at the bottom of our heart.
Illuminated with the colorful lights, most of the ice sculptures had enough space inside for us to enter. The elements inside the object, such as illuminated ice and cold air, were all creating another world amidst the weaving lights and shadows.
Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival
Date: End of January – Beginning of February
Place: Lake Shikotsu, Chitose, Hokkaido
Text: Tatsuhiko Akutsu
Photo: Hiroshi Kotake