しかりべつ湖コタンLake Shikarubetsu Kotan

© Lake Shikarubetsu Nature Center
Lake Shikaribetsu is a natural lake located in Daisetsuzan National Park, at the 810m elevation which is the highest location in Hokkaido標高810mと北海道では最も高い場所にある大雪山国立公園唯一の自然湖「然別湖」。湖の周囲は原生林が取り囲み、貴重な野生動物たちが生息、太古の自然を今に伝えている。湖全体が凍結し雪原と化す冬には、「しかりべつ湖コタン」と呼ばれる雪と氷で出来た村が立ち上がる。
Text: Mariko Takei. Surrounded by wildwood, the lake and its surrounding area is inhabitation for precious wild animals such as rock rabbits, sea hawks, and sea eagles. In the winter the whole lake is frozen to become a snow field, which is known as a snow-and-ice-made village called Lake Shikaribetsu Kotan.
Lake Shikaribetsu Kotan was first built by the local neighbors who originally intended to make a house using snow and ice in 1981. Since then, they create houses on Lake Shikaribetsu every winter. As “Kotan” means a village in the Ainu language, a snow-and-ice-made-village is created to cover the lake fantastically.
One of the highlight of Lake Shikaribetsu Kotan is the ice bar, which is made out of super clear ice from Lake Shikaribetsu. Every year it has different design, and there is a ice-made counter and ice theater where you can enjoy visuals projected on the ice screen. During the daytime, you can enjoy hot drinks at the bar.
Another point of interests is the “on-ice outdoor hot spring bath” from which you can enjoy a spectacular view on the frozen lake. The hot spring water will warm your freezing body. In the village, there are snow houses made based on the Inuit igloo, where you can experience to stay over night on the frozen lake. At the Lake Shikaribetsu Kotan, you can feel the vast nature covered by white snow by selecting your favorite one from various activities such as riding hot-air balloon, cross-country skiing, and night watching among others.
Lake Shikaribetsu Kotan opens annually from the end of January until the end of March. At the lake you can fully enjoy throughout the year. In spring and summer season, you can experience the nature of green by sea kayaking and river watching.
Shikarubetsu Kotan
Address: Lake Shikaribetsu, Shikaoi-cho, Hokkaido
Open: End of January – End of March
Tel: 0156-69-8181 (Lake Shikarubetsu Nature Center)
Text: Mariko Takei