
札幌ドームSapporo Dome

© Sapporo Dome

About ten-minute walk from Fukuzumi Station, you can see a huge silver dome on your right. Sapporo Dome which opened in 2001 is a heart of sports and entertainments scenes in Sapporo地下鉄福住駅から10分ほど歩くと、巨大な銀色のドームが見えてくる。2001年にオープンした「札幌ドーム」は、いまや札幌、北海道を代表する文化施設となっている。現在はコンサドーレ札幌北海道日本ハムファイターズがこの札幌ドームを本拠地とし、スポーツの試合やコンサートなど、様々なイベントが行われている。

札幌ドームの特徴は、なんといっても世界で初めて「ホバリングシステム」を採用した完全屋内天然芝サッカースタジアムだろう。このシステムは、空気圧で浮上させた天然芝のステージを車輪で屋外のオープンアリーナに移動させ、試合のない時は、オープンアリーナで芝を育成するというもの。野球の試合がある時には、人工芝を屋内アリーナに移動させる。設計は、原 広司+アトリエ・ファイ建築研究所アトリエブンク





Text: Ayano Yamada
, Hokkaido. It is home to a soccer team Consadole Sapporo and it also serves as the home ballpark for the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters. Many events like sports games and concerts are held there.

The most outstanding point is a natural turf pitch utilized for the stadium when it is used as a football stadium. The Hovering System is adopted for the dome, the system floats a pitch by air pressure and slides it out of the closed stadium with wheels. When no soccer games are scheduled, it is set outside the stadium to take care of the natural turf. When baseball games are scheduled, the artificial turf is slid into the stadium.
Sapporo Dome was designed by Hiroshi Hara + atelierφ and atelier BNK.

Sapporo Dome was one of the venues of 2002 FIFA World Cup held in South Korea and Japan. Many big sports events were held including FIS Nordic World Ski Championships 2007 and Asian Baseball Championship. Famous artists from abroad also had concerts such as Eric Clapton, Bon Jovi, Eagles, Aerosmith, The rolling stones and Billy Joel.

The observatory behind the closed dome commands a panoramic view of Sapporo. They hold irregular dome tours showing new aspects of Sapporo Dome. It seats over 40,000 people and can accommodate up to 53,796 people. If you want something to eat, a great food court, restaurants and cafes will satisfy your appetite.

Around Sapporo Dome there is ARTGROVE showing 24 sculptures made by artists who have strong relationship with Hokkaido like Satoshi Hata and so on. Having a walk among mixes of art and nature is wonderful experience. We can experience art at close.

Sapporo Dome
Address: 1 Hitsujigaoka, Toyohira-ku, Sapporo
Tel: 011-850-1000

Text: Ayano Yamada

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