なよろ市立天文台 きたすばるNayoro Observatory

Nayoro Observatory © Fumitake Watanabe
Opened in April 2010 in Nayoro city in Hokkaido, Nayoro Observatory will install a new telescope that will be open to the public in the spring of 20112010年4月、北海道名寄市に、なよろ市立天文台「愛称:きたすばる」が開設した。2011年春には、国内最大級となるドームの直径が10m、口径1.6mの望遠鏡が設置・公開される予定で、宇宙観測の新たな前線基地となることも期待されている。
なよろ市立天文台 きたすばる
開館時間: 4月~9月 13:00~21:30、10月~3月 13:00~20:00
入館料:一般 500円、大学生 400円、小中高生 200円
. It will be one of the biggest dome in the nation with 10-meter in diameter, 1.6-meter caliber, and is expected to become a new front-line base for space observation.
In the observatory there is a latest digital planetarium which projects stars by using 2 high-definition projectors. To promote the fun of it for not only astronomical fans but also many people, it runs events and concerts under the theme of “star and music”.
Nayoro is a city where has a weather condition with the extreme temperature differences of 60 degree Celsius between summer and winter. It is also known as a place where you can observe a natural phenomenon called sun pillar which happens with a temperature below zero. With a rich natural environment, Nayoro city is a place where you can enjoy nature and astronomical beauty and wonder.
Nayoro Observatory
Address: 157-1 Aza Nisshin, Nayoro, Hokkaido
Open: April-September 13:00-21:30, October-March 13:00-20:00
Closed on Monday and Tuesday
Addmission: 500 yen, University Student 400 yen
Tel: 01654-2-3956
Translation: Mariko Takei