藻岩山Mt. Moiwa

© Sapporo City
Mt. Moiwa provides an extensive view of Sapporo City. During the Meiji Era (1868-1912), the development of the city advanced and many parts of the precious virgin forests明治時代の開拓以来、原始林が失われていく中で、1921(大正10)年に北海道で第一号となる国の天然記念物として藻岩(もいわ)山原始林が指定された自然あふれる藻岩山。朝日新聞社主催の「北海道自然100選」にも選ばれた美しい山であり、身近な自然研究の場所として、また市民や観光客の憩いの場となっている。
営業時間:10:30~21:30(6月1日~9月30日 22:00まで)
12月10日~3月31日 11:00~20:00
ロープウェイ往復料金:大人 1,100円(片道600円)、子供 550円(片道300円)
were lost. However, in 1921, in order to preserve the natural area, the forests of Mt. Moiwa were designated as the first Hokkaido Natural Monument.
In addition, as an accessible research area, the forests of Mt. Moiwa have helped to establish some very famous botanists and entomologists. These days Mt. Moiwa is well known by Sapporo’s residents as a conveniently located place to relax and learn.
With an elevation of 531 meters, Mt. Moiwa is a beautiful mountain that led to be selected for “100 Selections of Natural Hokkaido”. With ropeway, a 66-passenger-capacity gondola rises through the air 1200 meters in five minutes. By taking the gondola to the Nakagoro Station and transferring to the free shuttle bus, it is possible to reach the Summit Observation Platform.
From the Summit Observation Platform, you can see the city of Sapporo, the magnificent Ishikari Plain and Ishikari Bay spread out below, and a superb view of the majestic mountains in the distance. Moreover, like the shining of jewels, as the sun sets, you can enjoy a romantic transformation of the night view.
On the Summit Observation Platform, there is a Skyhall Restaurant that serves menus using local food. This restaurant allows you to enjoy the tasty food from Hokkaido while gazing down at Sapporo city view at daytime and the most beautiful sea of lights at night.
At Ropeway Sanroku Station, there is the former Oguma Residence designed by Yoshiya Tanoue, a pupil of Frank Lloyd Wright, one of the well-know architect of Hokkaido. Now it’s converted into a coffee house which has become a favorite of those who like to enjoy a quiet time alone over coffee.
Mt. Moiwa
Address: 5-3-7 Fushimi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo (Ropeway Sanroku Station)
Ropeway: 10:30-21:30 (Jun. 1 – Sep. 30 till 22:00) / Winter seasons 11:00-20:00
Ropeway Fee: Adult 1,100 yen / Child 550 yen
Tel: 011-561-8177藻岩山
来回缆车:大人 1,100円(单程600円)、子供 550円(单程300円)