
然別湖Lake Shikaribetsu

© Hokkaido Tourism Association

© Hokkaido Tourism Association

Lake Shikaribetsu is a natural lake located in Daisetsuzan National Park, at the 810m elevation which is the highest location in Hokkaido. Surrounded by wildwood, the lake and its surrounding area is inhabitation標高810mと北海道では最も高い場所にある大雪山国立公園唯一の自然湖「然別湖」。湖の周囲は原生林が取り囲み、ナキウサギや、ミサゴ、オジロワシ、クマゲラ、アオサギ等の貴重な野生動物たちが生息、太古の自然を今に伝えている。





遊漁料:4,000円 /1名(要予約)
for precious wild animals such as rock rabbits, sea hawks, sea eagles, black woodpeckers, and gray herons.

The lake is also a habitat for many endemic creatures such as miyabe iwana (char), cherry salmon, rainbow trout, and wakasagi. With an aim to preserve miyabe iwana, Lake Shikaribetsu and a river to spawn Yanbetsu River are designated as an area for protected species in Hokkaido. It is no-fishing zone through a whole year.

As there are increased number of habitats of miyabe iwana, which was re-spawned naturally, Shikaoi-cho started to bring in catch-and-release since 2005 as a purpose of investigating the resources. Having a strict rule for use of fishhooks, they have a spacial open for fishing at the lake for limited number of people for the limited time.

To enjoy the best of the limited time fishing, they have a rental service for boats and life jackets during the special open period. For the beginners, it is recommended to have a guide fishing by professional guides at Hokkaido Tourism Organization.

At the lakeside of Lake Shikaribetsu, you can enjoy hot springs and various activities throughout the year. In the winter their hot spring on the ice will be the special enjoyment. This place will give you an opportunity to experience preserved nature from the ancient time.

Lake Shikaribetsu
Lake Shikaribetsu, Shikaoi-cho, Hokkaido
Special open period: About 50 days between June and October
Fishing fee: 4,000 yen per person (by appointment only)

Translation: Mariko Takei

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