宮島沼Lake Miyajima
Located in Bibai city in Hokkaido, Lake Miyajima is designated as a wetland defined by the Ramsar Convention. It is known as one of the most famous place in the world where a number of greater white-fronted北海道美唄市にある、ラムサール条約登録湿地にも登録されている、「宮島沼」。世界でも有数のマガンの渡来地として知られている。4月と毎年9月下旬~10月中旬にかけて、6万羽ものマガンが集結する。
geese flies over. Every April and between the end of September ad the middle of October, 60,000 greater white-fronted geese gathers to the lake.
The breeding site of the geese is located in Russian Far East. When it gets start to snow and few food in the autumn, they start to migrate to the warmer wintering grounds. As Lake Miyajima is a transit point for migrating birds, a number of migrating birds fly over here to rest their wings.
It is a spectacular view when the lake is filled with large group of birds flying over. Recommend to visit the lake during the season.
Lake Miyajima
Address: Omagari, Bibai-cho, Bibai, Hokkaido
Tel: 0126-66-5066
Translation: Mariko Takei