釧路市立博物館Kushiro City Museum

© Kushiro City Museum
Kushiro is a city famous for the Kushiro Marsh, where an endangered animal, the Red-crowned Cranes inhabit. Beautiful sunset can be seen from the Nusamai Bridge where is one of the best bridges in Hokkaido特別天然記念物タンチョウが生息している釧路湿原が有名な釧路市。「北海道の三大名橋」とも称される幣舞橋から見る夕陽は美しく、霧が発生しやすい冷帯湿潤な気候を活かした霧フェスティバルで幻想的な世界を楽しむことができるなど、地球温暖化の進む今日において密かに避暑地としての注目も浴びている。
料金:大人400円・高校生210円・小中学生100円(しつげん55PASS 1,000円)
Text: Tamami Kadowaki. Having cool and foggy climate, you can enjoy fantastic world at the Kiri Festival. (festival of mist) While global warming is getting worse, the city is catching attention as a summer resort.
As the biggest city of the eastern part of Hokkaido, it has many spots to go such as the Kushiro Fisherman’s Wharf MOO and Washo Market, which is the most northern market. It’s also recommended to eat fresh fish with robata. (Japanese fireside grill) The restaurant Maizuru in Manabotto Nusamai (4-28 Nusamai-cho) is widely known for its stunning beautiful night view.
If you want to know about the history of the city, Kushiro City Museum will be the best place. They cover prehistoric and modern history of Kushiro and Ainu culture and exhibit specimens of which animals we often see in Kushiro and eastern Hokkaido. There is also a booth that features the Red-crowned Cranes. They hold lectures and excursion trips that we can attain deeper understanding of nature and history in this community through learning about whales, the coal mine and so on.
The four-story building with a round arch exhibit space was designed by Kikou Mozuna (1941-2001), a famous architect who has his base in eastern Hokkaido. He have contributed to his home town Kushiro’s impressive scenery by designing the Kushiro Public University of Economics, the Kushiro March Observatory and the Kushiro Fisherman’s Wharf MOO.
At Kushiro, There are Tsurumidai where many Red-crowned Cranes can be seen, hot spring resort surrounding Lake Akan, where is known for the Marimo (Lake-balls), and Chikurouen Azumaya (3-19 Kashiwagi-cho), a buckwheat noodle sushi restaurant that once Emperor Showa visited.
Kushiro City Museum
Address: 1-7 Shunkodai, Kushiro, Hokkaido
Opening Hours: 9:30-17:00 (Closed on Monday)
Entrance Fee: 400 yen, Students 210 yen
Tel: 0154-41-5809
Text: Tamami Kadowaki
Translation: Ayano Yamada钏路市博物馆
承认:成人400円・高中210円・小,中学生100円(Shitsugen55PASS 1,000円)