ナブの家House of Nabu

© House of Nabu
In Hokkaido you will often see small nest boxes for birds and squirrels. Especially for birds, “birdhouse” is popular in the western countries to enjoy natural way of birds北海道では、リスや小鳥など小動物用の小さな巣箱をしばしば目にすることがある。小鳥を自然な状態で楽しむための小さな巣箱を欧米では「バードハウス」と呼ぶ。世界では、アート・オブ・バードハウスと題した展覧会が度々開催されたり、コレクターがいるほど、そのバリエーションは多い。鳩時計があるように、バードハウスはインテリアとしての魅力も再認識されはじめている。
. There are variations of the birdhouse, as the birdhouse exhibition called Art of Birdhouse is often held internationally. As seen in the cuckoo clock, the birdhouse is reacknowledged as an interior element.
Located in Biei Hokkaido, a cafe “House of Nabu” makes and sells handmade wood products such as birdhouse. The owner as well as a woodwork artist, Hiroshi Yamaguchi started to make birdhouse as he was intrigued by many birds living in the forest of Biei. Nabu is a name of boy appears in the English story, who is raised by and lives in the forest. As it also means “friend”, the shop is very warm and cozy place.
You will see many birdhouses are displayed inside and outside House of Nabu. Besides birdhouses, they also sell their original handmade products such as photo frames. The “Chopped Wood Frame” was used for the Japanese TV drama programs and can be purchased at Ningle Terrace. Yamaguchi also made “Flower Pressing Machine” which was used in Windy Garden.
The cafe is managed by the owner’s wife, serving light meals, breads, coffees and teas. One of the popular menu is ‘linden tea’ which is made with flowers and leaves of Linden tree and honey. It is a herb tea, which is the best for your relax time.
The birdhouse is set forward not only for enjoying watching birds, but also for the development in terms of increasing breeding places. The kinds of birds have fallen in Hokkaido as well as other regions. It might be necessary to set up birdhouse in the urban city where is inconvenient place for birds to live.
House of Nabu
Address: Kitabiei-daiichi, Biei-cho, Hokkaido
Opening Hours: 10:00-17:00
Closed on Tuesday and Wednesday
Tel: 0166-92-5626
Translation: Mariko Takei