

Located in Nakajima Park, Hassoan (literally meaning “the eight window hut”) is a tea house where Enshu Kobori used. The exact year that the house was built is unknown but it’s said that Kobori designed it in the first period of Edo札幌・中島公園に小堀遠州ゆかりの草庵風茶室「八窓庵」がある。 正確な建築年代は不明だが、江戸時代の大名・小堀遠州の作と伝えられており、江戸時代初期に建築された物と推測されている。小堀遠州は茶人としても名高く、京都・大徳寺の国宝・龍光院書院孤篷庵忘筌などを手掛けている秀才。





住所:札幌市中央区中島公園 日本庭園内

Text: Asami Miyamura
. He was a famous tea ceremony master and is known that he designed Daitokuji‘s ryokoin and kohoan.

Originally, Hassoan was built in Nagahama, Shiga. Then it moved a few times in the city and finally relocated to Sapporo in 1919. After Eiichi Nagasawa took over the house, it was donated to the city of Sapporo and reconstructed in the Japanese garden of Nakajima Park in 1971.

Current Hassoan is a typical tea house and has three rooms with Mizuya (preparation area in a Japanese tea house) and another tea house named Sanbuan. It’s Nijo-daime (2and 3/4 tatamis, namely about 2 x 3 m square) in size with eight windows. It’s very small for a tea house that Kubori designed but the windows creating spacious impression in this small room.

In 2005, the house and the mizuya were completely and the Sanbuan was partially broken by the heavy snow. The Agency for Cultural Affairs worked on repairing the valuable heritage for one year.

Hassoan is opened from the end of April to the early part of November. We are not permitted to enter but be able to look into the house through three shoji that are kept opened. When you visit Sapporo, you must experience Japanese tea house at Hassoan and the Japanese garden looking for the eight windows. They hold tea ceremonies several times a year. If you are interested in the events, inquire from the number at the bottom.

Address: Nakajima Park, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
Open: 9:00-17:00 (end of April to the early part of November)
Tel: 011-531-0029

Text: Asami Miyamura
Translation: Ayano Yamada
地址:札幌市中央区中島公園 日本庭園内

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