遠友学舎En-yu Gakusha

© Hokkaido University
En-yu Gakusha was founded next to Model Barn as a celebration of the 125th anniversary of Hokkaido University. The name En-yu Gakusha came from Sapporo En-yu Yagakko北海道大学の構内、モデルバーンのすぐ横にある「遠友学舍」は、北海道大学創基125周年を記念して2001年に建てられた。「遠友学舍」という名は、新渡戸稲造が、豊平川付近に開いた夜学校「札幌遠友夜学校」に因んで付けられた。現在は地域社会と大学との交流の場、そして地域に開かれた憩いの場として利用されている。
Text: Ayano Yamada (En-yu night school) that Inazo Nitobe and his wife inaugurated around Toyohira River to educate underpriviledged young people for free. En-yu Gakusha is a place opened to people to have a communication between the community and the university.
Inazo Nitobe was an agriculturist and educator. He studied at Sapporo Agricultural College (now Hokkaido University) as a student in the class of second year of the college. In those days, most of the students including Nitobe were converted to Christianity under the strong influence by Dr. William S. Clark. The group of such students was called “Sapporo Band” and realized as one of the heads of Protestantism in Japan. Nitobe led this group with Kanzo Uchimura and Kingo Miyabe.
Later, Nitobe was appointed a professor at the Sapporo Agricultural College and founded Sapporo En-yu Yagakko (En-yu night school) to educate young people who could not otherwise attend school in 1894. Teachers and students of the college including Takeo Arishima, a famous Japanese writer, volunteered to teach there.
Until it closed 1944, about 1,100 students had graduated from the school. Now Sapporo City Chuo Working Youth Center (Let’s Chuo) stands on the site and has the En-yu Yagakko Memorial Room. It introduces Inazo Nitobe and the history of the school.
Enyugakusha was built in the campus of the Hokkaido University in 2001. In addition to events like seminars and concerts, they hold Heisei En-yu Yagakko every Tuesday. Taking over Nitobe’s will, teachers and students of the University give lectures as a volunteer. Anyone can attend them of course for free.
En-yu Gakusha was designed as a hommage to Dr. Clark with column-less interior structure that has a big roof on top of it, which is like Model Barn. You can view beautiful trees outside and Model Barn from the glass wall. The building was designed by researchers at Hokkaido University and Atelier Aku.
En-yu Gakusha
Address: North 18 West 7, Kuta-ku, Sapporo
Opening Hours: 15:00-21:00
Closed on Sat, Sun and Public Holidays
Tel: 011-706-2042
Text: Ayano Yamada遠友学舎