ばんえい十勝Banei Tokachi

Ban’ei Horse Racing is the only draft horse race in the world, and Banei Tokachi in the Obihiro Racetrack is the only place in the world still holding these races, currently for 150 days a year世界で唯一の競馬「ばんえい競走」(ばん馬)。北海道・帯広競馬場が唯一の開催地となる「ばんえい十勝」が年間150日に渡り開催されている。レースには、北海道の開拓にはかかせなかった農耕馬の血統が引継がれた競走馬たちが走っている。ばん馬を含む北海道の馬文化は2004年に北海道遺産に選定された。
. In the race, there are racehorses running, that has helped to the early Hokkaido pioneers in logging and farming. Including bamba races, the culture of horses in Hokkaido is selected for the Hokkaido Heritage.
In the race, powerful draft horses with steel sleigh compete on a straight 200-meter race track including two obstacles, one with 1 meter height and the other with 1.6 meter height. The highlight is the second obstacle with the 1.6 meter height. You can see the most powerful scene as horses trying to get over the obstacle again and again. The goal is determined at the point when the most rear end pass through the goal, which is different from the normal horse race. At the Ban’ei horse race, audience can walk alongside and cheer for the horses as they powerfully stride through the course.
A horse weighs about 1 ton, which is twice the size of a thoroughbred. It is very powerful to see such big horses pull heavy sleighs. In winter you can see horse’s white plume of breathes and white steams from the horse body, which makes you to feel as if you saw the hard days back in the Hokkaido pioneers. It’s worth to visit to see the dynamic draft horse race when visiting Tokachi.
Banei Tokachi
Place: Obihiro Race Track
Address: Nishi 13 Minami 9, Obihiro, Hokkaido
Tel: 0155-34-0825
Translation: Mariko Takei