文月悠光Yumi Fuzuki

© Yumi Fuzuki
Yumi Fuzuki, a poet born in Heisei period. She was the youngest winner to receive Chuya Nakahara prize and Yutaka Maruyama memory modern poetry prize with her first collection, which was released when she was in the final year of a high school, and had drawn people’s attention. After being an adult, while she vitally continues to write, she’s also active in multiple fields such as art and fashion.平成生まれの詩人、文月悠光は、中学時代から雑誌に詩を投稿し始めて16歳で現代詩手帖賞を受賞。高校3年生の時に出した第一詩集で、中原中也賞・丸山豊記念現代詩賞を最年少受賞し「女子高生詩人」として一躍注目を集めた。札幌から上京して大人になった彼女は、執筆活動を精力的に続けながら、アートやファッションなど、詩人の枠にはまらない多種多様な活動を展開している。
Text: Ayumi YakuraCould you tell us about your first and second poem collections?
There are two main themes in my first poem collection “An inappropriate myself, in an appropriate world” that I released when I was in the last year of high school. One is a sense of alienation for considering myself as an observer being different from others. The other is a discomfort for finding things that people usually overlook.
The second one “Deeper and higher than the roof” is a collection of poems that I published in mediums other than poem magazines such as newspaper and literary magazines after I moved to a city. I got an opportunity to imagine readers’ faces since I wrote, working on poems themes or thinking of my new group of readers. Compared to the time that I released the first collection, I was less aggressive and thinking “how to accept” and “how to survive together” after realizing the difference between me and others.
Love is a theme for your third collection “Our Cat” ?
In addition to poems from a web series of poems about love that Nanarokusha offered, I included poems from my radio show and originals just for this collection. I thought it’ll be interesting to put a collection together with a keyword of “love” but not limited to love poems. To me, “love romance” is not an ordinary theme. But the relationship of “you and me” is the strongest part that love romance magnet works.
Do you think there are differences between poem and essay collection “Senrei (baptismal) Diary” in term of telling messages even if they sometime share the same topics?
I think so. Poems are better to provide sharpness and surprises, but essays includes elements of story telling which explain process of words that are condensed in a poem. I always enjoy reading fictions since I was little. I’ve been wanted to write the feeling that the world seems different before and after reading stories, so I wrote these essays hoping that readers would accept them as stories.
What are you planning on doing as a poet?
I’d like to keep working on collaboration especially with musicians. I want to stream or sell my readings since I think that music is the best format to keep, expand audiences and be accepted. Also, music has a high affinity with reading, so I feel that reading will be more attractive combining with music.
Also, I’d like to get more opportunities to do readings in my hometown, Sapporo. It would be nice to collaborate with local musicians at bookstores, art galleries and cafe. I’d like to express myself or do works that fit the places.
You are from Sapporo city. Please let us know your favorite places in there.
During my high school time in Sapporo when I got modern poetic prize for new writers and made poetry magazines by myself, I often went to a gallery called “Temporary Space.” In Sapporo, I feel close relationships to photographer, painter, and poet. The place was like a salon where creators gather. For example, a solo exhibition of a poet Gohzoh Yoshimasu and a group exhibition of a Sapporo-based poet Wataru Yamada who creates paintings and photographs associated with Tanka poetry, a Japanese thirty-one- syllable verse. The gallery works on such projects a lot and I recommend people who are interested in words to visit there.
Also, I often went to a café gallery TO OV café after school. On a shelf of the café, there are many back issues of poetic magazine and books about art and you can spend quality time.
Text: Ayumi Yakura
Translation: Yumiko Miyagawa, Hanae Kawai