Beat maker / producer “PARKGOLF” who works based on Sapporo, Hokkaido released the 2nd album “REO” through “2.5D”. It got the 1st in the electronic album chart of iTunes.北海道札幌を拠点とするビートメイカー/プロデューサーの「PARKGOLF」(パークゴルフ)による待望のセカンドアルバム「REO」(レオ)がクリエイティブチーム「2.5D PRODUCTION」(2.5D プロダクション)からリリースされ、iTunes(アイチューンズ)のエレクトロニック・アルバム・チャート第1位を獲得した。
Ninja Drinks Wine(ニンジャ・ドリンクス・ワイン)
僕たちがよく札幌のイベントでお世話になっていた「sound lab mole」(サウンド・ラボ・モール)は、ライブハウスとクラブと両方していて幅広くいろいろなイベントをやっています。近々だと9月22日に僕もそこでライブがあります!また、旅行者向きではないですが、「月寒公園」、大通の地下にある「ことりの広場」は思い出の場所です。月寒公園は実家から近いのでよく行ってました(パークゴルフもできるらしい)。ことりのひろばは札幌の人なら行った事ない人いないんじゃないかというくらい、昔からあるらしいひろば。個人的には好きなんだけどなかなか良さをわかってくれる人がいません。
Text: Ayumi YakuraFirstly, could you introduce by yourself?
Nice to see you. I’m from Sapporo and work as a beat maker and producer. I released the album “REO” on August 9th, 2017.
The album welcomed various guest artists like Hitomitoi. Was there any different concept or trial from the fist one?
I think that concept album doesn’t fit with me well and thus I selected pieces which were along with my feelings and mode at that time. Half of the tracks are with vocals and the contents of album go some different direction. I also tried decreasing essence of my music as decreasing the number of the sound and tutti.
The art work of the “REO” is by PATANICA who also did for the 1st album.
Yes, I asked PATANICA this time as well. I told my image and he created some patterns. We discussed the detail then. The stone used in the jacket is actually the material.
You released compilation album “VANDCAMP” with 5 young track maker who live in Sapporo in 2014. What kind of artist are they?
I has the longest friendship with him. He does not only DJ but composition music and often release. Since we told each other to work together in Sapporo, it is 5 years but nobody was in Sapporo now. I feel something new may start again.
Ninja Drinks Wine
He is the only person who had a clear head. He is good at action with cleaver thought. Other 4 people move with feelings, so Ninja is precious. He does his own melody with song and lyric and those are symbolic.
She catches things with her sense most quickly in the 5 of Sapporo. She returns what she got through the thick filter to the music, I want her to do something big in the U.S.
You are working in Sapporo now. Do you have any recommendation spot in Sapporo for SHIFT readers who love music?
“sound lab mole” was the venue where we often had live. It holds many events as live house and club.These may not be for travelers, but “Tsukisamu Park” and “Kotori no Hiroba” which is under the Odori street are my memorial places. I used to go Tsukisamu Park so often because my house was near there. Kotori no Hiroba is the huge old place where every Sapporo people must have been. There isn’t many people who understands its attractiveness.
Text: Ayumi Yakura
Translation: Fuyumi Saito