
© Miwonderful
Having her strong thoughts “Make the whole world smile with makeup” and “Makeup provides entertainment”, Miwonderful jumps over the pre-existed field of makeup-artist and explores her activity in Japan, Asia, Europe and U.S. We asked her about the secret of her vitality whom makes up on streets all over the world and stages, with a title “Make Smile Artist”.「メイクでもっと世界を笑顔に」「メイクでエンターテインメントを」という強い思いを胸に、既存のメイクアップ・アーティストの枠を飛び越えるように日本、アジア、欧米で活動を続けてきたミワンダフルメイクスマイルアーティストという肩書きで世界中のストリートやステージに立つ彼女の、バイタリティーの秘密を探った。
そんな想いを背景に自分のアーティストの肩書きを考えていた頃、東京の一線で活躍している演出家の友人が渋谷のカフェで「メイクスマイルアーティストでしょ!」と。「それすっごい良い!メイクっていう言葉と笑顔、それにメイクスマイル=笑顔を作るって言う意味もあって良いね~」となり、「メイクスマイル アーティスト」ミワンダフルが誕生しました。
レストランは「和菜 きらり」、すっごく美しい会席です。眺めも良いです。
Text: Aya ShomuraFirstly please introduce yourself.
I’ve been organizing “Makeup Tour” in the world and providing makeup to people. With original music, I perform singing and dancing. Providing makeup as an entertainment is one of the most important things I try. I’ve been traveling Los Angels, New York, Hawaii, Paris (Japan Expo), Taiwan, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Malaysia, Myanmar, Bangkok, and Korea.
I always bring my original pink flame, show the performance on the street, and talk with people through Japanese style makeup! World is huge and there are bunch of kinds of cultures and customs. Fashion and the sense of “cute” are varied. Makeup is one of the communication tools there. “I want to make friends all over the world through makeup”. This is my concept. I’m interested in participation type art as installation with makeup!
Could you tell me about the name “Make Smile Artist”? What was the basic idea which made you start this activity?
It’s been 5 years since I began to recognize myself as “I’m totally different from makeup artist” in the activity at foreign countries. I was performing on the streets in the world and thinking “Why I’ve been able to keep on performing” and “Why I can’t do normally. Why I can’t stop thinking to make things fun”. It was when I had show on the street of Ximending where was called as Shibuya in Taiwan for the first time. I started dancing and makeup with music from the little sound speaker. 1 hour had passed in an instant and I found myself who had been concentrating on makeup desperately in the crowds. I talked with people who came to have my makeup, laughed, took photos, and danced together. This was the time when I felt “connecting the world through makeup”. Not the latest techniques of makeup, but making people smile and have fun. I strongly thought this was what I wanted to do.
With such thought, the idea about my title as an artist came up. My friend who is a director in the front line suggested at the café in Tokyo “You should be Make Smile Artist!” And I agreed as “That’s super good! The word “make” and “smile”, and meaning of “make-smile” fit perfectly well!!” This was the birth of “Make Smile Artist” Miwonderful.
Please tell us what has never changed and what has changed for you.
The thing which has never changed is my thought “Make the world smile by makeup”. The thing which has been changing is my way of thinking. Firstly I thought I had to do something anyway. I think now “I want to keep learning. I want to do more interesting thing. I want to heighten the quality. And I want to tell stronger message to people.” It’s getting simpler.
After released your first book “Make the World Smile by Makeup: MAKE SMILE TRIP@Miwonderful” and DVD “Makeup Kitchen”, is there any influence and impact for your activity?
Through the book about my activity since 20 years old, I could organized my idea and thoughts as a Make Smile Artist “Miwonderful”, and confirmed anew by myself such as “What and whom have I acted for?” and “what do I aim for?” Of course, I was so glad to receive comments from many people throughout Japan.
About DVD, it became easy for me to explain my entertainment through makeup with music for others. Indeed, DVD is a kind of instrumental to express the activity of Miwonderful. I feel the reaction is good also. I never imagined that my song would be released when I had made my first song, so I’m really happy!
Who is the creator or artist that you keep an eye on now?
“Kazuhiroman”, a designer. He is the Guinness record holder for the longest Mohican in the world, and the owner of the pioneering brand “AVANTGARDE” in Shibuya for tattoo stockings. Last year, I met him first at the shooting for my book, but I was surprised because he is unique a lot! After that, I requested to work again for direction and styling of my DVD. I think he is a wonderful artist who has a strong mind to complete production and work thorough investigation and make people around him enjoy. As moved to Sapporo, he is preparing for starting to promote his new brand from Hokkaido. I look forward to hear his latest announcement soon, in 2016.
And “Qrion”. Our first met was at the Rising Sun Rock Festival in 2013, and she acted her DJ performance for my makeup booth “Miwonderland” there. I recommend to hear her clear sound especially in the morning, your private room and the nature! I have been talked with Qrion having her own personality, several times. Now she moved her base to America, and I believe she will be a more international track maker. Please check out her cute instagram.
Please tell me your favorite places in Sapporo.
For fashion, it’s “BZAR”. As filled with very cute and wonderful clothes, the owner RIe’s selection should make you satisfied! In my case, I do my shopping regularly there.
For restaurant, “Kirari” will serve you so delicious traditional Japanese meal brought in courses. The view is also good.
And my favorite cafes are “high Grown Cafe” and “coffee shop Olympia”.
Text: Aya Shomura
Translation: Fuyumi Saito