Dance music producer, MATZ is drawing media’s attention even though he is only a teenager. He has just signed a contract with STARBASE and released his first EP, “Composite” on July 7th, 2017. Talking with him made me want to experience his “film-like” live set in the future.10代にして複数のメディアから注目を集めている北海道出身のトラックメイカー「MATZ」(マッツ)。STARBASE(スターベース)と契約し、2017年7月7日にデビューEP「Composite」(コンポジット)をリリースしたばかりの彼にインタビューを行うと、今年成人を迎え、やがて未来に実現するであろう“映画のような”ライブセットを体感してみたくなった。
おすすめの場所は数え切れないほどありますが、その中でもすすきのにある「music store GROOVE」(ミュージック・ストア・グルーヴ/札幌市中央区南6条西4丁目若島ビルB1)はおすすめです。札幌のクラブ「リビエラ」の横のビルの地下にあるお店なのですが、マスターが面白い人でよく音楽について語っていました。
Text: Ayumi YakuraFirst of all, can you introduce yourself?
My name is MATZ and I’m a Dance Music -Producer / DJ.
Are you making music in the digital environment and producing mainly dance music? Can you explain your producing process?
I like to work with DAW so in the past I was making all kinds of music. Right now I’m interested in creating dance music that people can listen to it every day. I often start from melodies and codes.
Why did you choose the title “Composite” for your first EP? The artwork of the album cover is also impressive.
The theme of this EP was “my past and future” so different kinds of elements are mixed. That’s why I chose the title “Composite”. The lake on the cover is Lake Shikotsu, which is in Hokkaido where I’m from. It relates to the contents of the EP. I think the color attracts people’s attention and represents me really well, too. The music sounds even better because of the artwork.
How do you want the audience to experience your music and live performances?
Since I’m making “dance music”, my main goal is to get the audience dancing. But someday I would like to try live performances that will expresses emotions and scenes. Eventually making the audiences feel like they watched a film.
Do you know any places to visit in Sapporo for foreign readers of SHIFT and music lovers?
There are tons of places to visit. “music store GROOVE” (B1 Wakajima Build., South 6 West 4, Chuo-ku, Sapporo) in Susukino is one of the recommendations. The store is underground of the building next to a club, “Riviera Sapporo”. Its master is an interesting person and often talks about music.
Text: Ayumi Yakura
Translation: Shoko Atsuchi, Hanae Kawai