シンヤチサトChisato Shinya

Photo: Erika Kusumi
Previously, she in the artist-named Kinpro has been produced extensively various works such as illustrations of overseas picture books, hotel interior and package design for sweets worldwide, base in Sapporo. Let’s see the root of her idea, whom is very charming alike works such as charming and fantasy creatures and trees though a little scary.過去にKinpro(キンプロ)というアーティストネームで、札幌を拠点に、これまでにも海外の絵本の挿絵やホテルの内装、お菓子のパッケージデザインを手掛けるなど国内外で幅広く活躍してきたシンヤチサト。ちょっと怖そうだけれど愛嬌のある空想の生き物や木々などの作品同様に、とてもチャーミングな彼女のアイディアの源を少しだけ覗いてみた。
皆さんにおすすめできるお店としては、串かつ居酒屋の「千里」(中央区南3条西5丁目)。3代目店主さんになっても全てが変わらなくて、ほっとできる有り難いお店です。「W27」は最近行ったフレンチレストランでイチバン!舌にも眼にも美味しいメニューのアイディアが満喫できます。予約はお早めにどうぞ。そして「cafe BLOCO」は食事も音も美味しくてとっても居心地の良い場所で、ススキノへ移転後はライブ演奏が更に充実しました。音楽の栄養も私にとってはとっても重要です。
Text: Aya ShomuraPlease introduce of yourself.
Born and raised-up in Sapporo, and I’m living also now. My name is Chisato Shinya, an illustrator. As I had been active in the artist-named Kinpro previously, there might be people who meet for the first time as the real name. Please remember my new name from now on!
For your new start, do you have new concept or theme?
It’s to draw what I’m feeling now. In short, I didn’t decided yet. To think a theme for projects in partnership with people I have been met. To tell the joy of painting to children. It’s the theme for me to tackle in varied things that I could not tried until today and am interested in. So, I want to also continue to challenge the new method flexibly.
As I heard you have been influenced by pop and minimal art, could you please tell me works and designers remaining intense impression?
So many artists did impact me since my childhood. Andy Warhol was the first one as artist. When I was shocked by the famous tongue trademark of Rolling Stones at the age of 11, I continued to replicate until draw well. And also the Banana for the first album by the Velvet Underground & Nico, and Campbell’s Soup Cans. In addition, I love works of Dick Bruna! About Paul Rand, not only his design, I like his picture books and went search of bookstores often. Then especially Henri Matisse and Joan Miro are my favorites as painters. All including colors and composition affected me very much.
What is an important thing for you, an illustrator and artist?
It’s to draw art works that viewers smile with having a look at. So I also draw with a smile always. But sometimes draw anxiety, sadness and anger of course. As an artist, it’s important to draw my heart as it is.
What is the most memorable works in your past?
I feel attached all of them, but it’s special for me that the main work for my first solo exhibition “Visible Shape/Invisible Shape” in 2002. At this time, my works had been featured on SHIFT and I could get various offering from the abroad. With spreading my artworks globally, I became to feel that visual is common sense while languages are different.
Please tell us your favorite restaurants.
My best place is the verandah of my parent’s home, where I can indulge in idle reverie as looking nocturnal animals.
For visitors, “Senri” a spitted cutlet izakaya (South 3 West 5, Chuo-ku). After changed the shopkeeper as the 3rd generation, but nothing has changed all and I can relax. “W27” is my best French restaurant recently. Delicious menu will please you, so better to reserve early. And lastly, “cafe BLOCO” is very cozy and with good music, not only delicious. After moving to Susukino, new facility enriches the live performances. Nutritious music and sound is important for me.
Text: Aya Shomura