(旧)岡川薬局Re: Okagawa Pharmacy

© Re: Okagawa Pharmacy
The city of Otaru, on Hokkaido’s western coast, is famous for its historic stone buildings, like that which formerly housed the Okagawa family pharmacy. 80 years after it was built石造りの歴史的な建物が数多く残る北海道小樽市。かつての岡川薬局が店を構えていたのもそんな古き建物である。80年以上の歴史を持つ建物を、小樽と東京を拠点に活動する建築家で建物を買い取った福島慶介と,その所属先でもある建築業者、福島工務店が共同でカフェとゲストハウスへと蘇らせて2010年4月にオープンしたのが(旧)岡川薬局だ。
かつて薬局だった店先は、明るく開放的な窓のあるカフェ空間「Café White」に生まれ変わり、壁側に設置された建築関連書籍、そしてパソコンが立ち並ぶ空間が広がる。イームズ風の家具、陽気なスタッフ、ライブイベントなど、カフェではスタイリッシュな都市の一面をうかがうことができる。一週間の中で何名かのシェフが日替わり・時間替わりで場所をシェアするシステムをとっており、若手シェフによるローカル料理から、イタリアンと地元のフュージョン料理まで堪能できる。
宿泊料金:男女別相部屋 4,800円/個室(3名まで)15,000円
Text: Kelly Britton
Translation: Julie Morikawa, the historical building was recently bought and remodeled by a team of the Tokyo and Otaru based architect Keisuke Fukushima and builders from Fukushima Koumuten. In April of 2010, the old pharmacy was revitalized and re-opened as a café and guesthouse.
The result, Re: Okagawa Pharmacy, is a renovation at once drastic and minimal. The former pharmacy storefront has been transformed into Café White – a cool, bright café boasting expansive windows and walls lined with architecture books and Mac computers. With its Saarinen-style furniture, hip staff, and frequent live shows, it appears to be born of a larger, more stylish city. There is also a changing array of contemporary cuisine – from a young chef’s take on Otaru soul food to Italian fusion – as several chefs, who operate on different days of the week, share the space.
Hidden unexpectedly behind a small door of the café is a classical inn. On the first floor, the former living room leads into a glass-roofed atrium containing an Antonio Raymond designed grand piano, where intimate jazz concerts are held. Upstairs are three beautiful tatami-floored guestrooms with inlaid lacquer tables and sliding paper doors. Light filters are designed by Isamu Noguchi.
Traditional and modern, tranquil yet youthful, the contrasts of Re: Okagawa Pharmacy provide a perfect backdrop to enjoy the vibrant history and daily life of Otaru.
Re: Okagawa Pharmacy
Address: 1-7-7 Wakamatsu, Otaru
Cafe Opening Hours: 10:00-27:00 (Sunday till 22:00)
Guest House: 3 Rooms (4,800 yen -)
Tel: 0134-64-1086
Text: Kelly Britton