薪ストーブ日和Maki Stove Biyori

© Maki Stove Biyori
Firewood stoves have always found a use in a region like Hokkaido where the winters are bitterly cold. Although their presence has faded somewhat into the background since industrialisation冬の寒さが厳しい北海道のような地域では、昔から薪ストーブは良く使われてきた。近代化によりその陰は薄くなったが、近年、都会でも薪ストーブを使用する家庭が増えて来ているようだ。薪ストーブは環境に優しく、エコな生活を私たちに提供してくれる。インテリアとして、またストーブの上や炉内ではピザなどの調理もできる。そんな楽しみも需要が増えてきている背景にあるのかもしれない。
住所:札幌市中央区南1条西23丁目1-1 朝日ビル1階
Text: Tamami Kadowaki, there seems to be a recent increase in the number of households in the city that make use of these firewood stoves. Firewood stoves support an environmentally and ecologically friendly lifestyle. In addition, cooking can also be done, either on top of the stove or in the hearth, such as when making pizza. Circumstances show that there appears to be a growing demand for fun activities of that variety.
At ‘Maki Stove Biyori’, a shop specializing in the import of foreign firewood stoves, different types of stoves are displayed in a warm room enclosed by brick and wood walls. The array includes everything from easy-to-use pellet stoves that do not require a chimney, and firewood stoves shaped big, medium and small. Kindling a firewood stove in wintertime allows you to be enveloped by gentle warmth in an instant. Understanding the true power and appeal of the firewood stove through something like this is possibly the best feeling you can experience. The shop also sells products for stove care, ingredients for use in cooking, firewood as well as hardwood charcoal.
Many customers ask the shop to provide help with installing the stoves after being purchased, so as a specialty store, they do offer advice on things like where to install the chimney given the layout of the room, for example. In addition, as there is complete customer support available after purchase, covering things such as instructions for use, stove care and the delivery of firewood, you can rest assured and use your product for a long time with peace of mind. The four shop branches located in Hokkaido are in Sapporo, Asahikawa, Date and Hakodate. Furthermore, as all sorts of information are often published on their official blog, you might want to try taking a look at it.
Perhaps there may be many of you out there who feel that despite all the effort it involves, such as the constant throwing on of firewood, an initial investment of this sort is necessary because you can feel soothed and forget the day’s troubles just by looking at the burning glow coming from the stove. In such a situation, wouldn’t it be nice to imagine a life filled with the heartwarming, rustic charm the firewood stove brings?
Maki Stove Biyori
Address: 1-1 South 1 West 23, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
Opening Hours: 10:00-18:00 (Saturday and Sunday till 17:00)
Closed on Wednesday, Public Holidays
Tel: 011-616-6122
Text: Tamami Kadowaki
Translation: Bonnie Oeni
地址:札幌市中央区南1条西23丁目1-1 朝日ビル1階