
© Fréquence
“Fréquence” is a small eye wear shop that deals with only dead stock of vintage items. The owner usually go abroad to purchase not only for selling eye glasses but also do optometrist’s work by visual acuity test deviceヴィンテージのデットストックのみを扱う小さな眼鏡店「Fréquence」(フリークエンス)。眼鏡はオーナーが自ら海外で買い付けており、販売だけでなく、視力検査装置による検眼、レンズの制作までも行う、世界的にも珍しいオールインワンの眼鏡店だ。
住所:札幌市中央区南3条西8丁目 第一ビル 地下1階 (ARCH店内)
営業時間:12:00~21:00 (不定休)
and even create lenses. It is an all-in-one rare eye glass store in the world.
The owner, a professional with the experience of optician’s work for 10 years. He decided to have his own shop because there is little shop of vintage glasses with all-in-one style. Customers can purchase glasses at ease because of its perfect maintenance which enable them to use their favorite eye glasses long time.
Aiming to visit this small shop in the basement to purchase their favorite glasses, customer’s ranges from local Japanese to foreigners from abroad. Feel free to visit there if you want to have a well-selected own eye glasses.
Address: B1F Daiichi Bld.(in Arch), Wouth 3 West 8, Chuoku, Sapporo
Opening Hours: 12:00 – 21:00 (non-regular holidays)
Tel: 090-8639-0416 (Please check before your visit.)
Translation: Satsuki Miyanishi