植えるカフェUeru Cafe

© Photo: Bambinos
Taking about 5 minutes of driving fro the Tokachi Obihiro Airport, there is a restaurant situated in the midst of the field of Sarabetsu village. Ueru Cafe is named after with the owner’s desire to create a new form of food and agricultureとかち帯広空港から車で約5分、更別村の田畑の中に佇むレストランがある。食と農の新たなかたちを創りたいという思いから「植えるカフェ」と名付けられたそのレストランでは、オーナー自ら畑を耕して野菜をつくり、十勝の野の幸、海の幸とともに料理を提供している。
メニューはランチのみで、おすすめのコースは週替わり。一例を挙げると、アミューズに「オレンジミントのシロップで漬けたトマト」、前菜に「広尾産マツカワとブッシュバジルとズッキーニのサラダ」「レーヌドグラッセで巻いた中札内赤鶏ムネのスモーク」「季節の野菜のテリーヌ」「中札内・十勝野フロマージュのチーズ」「更別・パン舎の天然酵母で焼いたパン」、主菜に「中札内赤鶏モモ肉のロースト ローズマリーとワインビネガーのソース」「2種類の小豆と丸麦の温製サラダ ペヴェラーダソース」「ブロッコリ、コールラビ、ビーツなど季節の野菜のエトゥフェ」、デザートは「放牧牛乳のジェラート」「中札内・戸水農園のイチゴのムースケーキ」「帯広・ときいろファームのハスカップを添えたブランマンジェ」に自家製ハーブティーと、素材の美味しさを引き立たせる、センス良く見た目にも楽しい料理が楽しめる。
, as Ueru in Japanese means ‘planting’ in English. At Ueru Cafe, you can enjoy various menus served with vegetables grown by the owner of the restaurant.
The cozy and stylish cafe was designed by an architect as well as artist Takayuki Yoshino who has involved in designing the view of farming community in Tokachi with the cafe owner. In addition to 16 seating area inside the cafe, there is a terrace (photo) where you can enjoy having meals outside when it’s sunny.
After worked in Tokyo the Hokkaido born owner Yoshikawa, who likes to cook, decided to move to Tokachi with his wife who likes to do farming, and they opened this cafe in 2008. Their farming field has about 3000 square meters, growing 100 kinds of vegetables and herbs. The fresh vegetables are not only used for cooking, but also sold.
They only serves lunch menus, with the weekly recommended course menu. Tokachi’s food self-sufficiency ratio on a calorie basis is said 1100%, and you can find a variety of foods. Ueru Cafe is food-conscious to uses selected ingredients and foods focusing on the safety of food. If you like to experience a slow food produced and consumed locally in Tokachi, Ueru Cafe is the place to visit.
Ueru Cafe
Address: 38-5 Seo, Sarabetsu-mura, Hokkaido
Opening Hours: 11:30-15:00 (Closed on Monday)
Tel: 0155-52-3939
Translation: Mariko Takei