ト・オン・カフェTO OV cafe

© TO OV cafe
Located near Nakajima Park in Sapporo, TO OV cafe is a gallery and cafe where you can enjoy art. The owner Kazunori Nakamura opened the cafe in October 2008札幌の中島公園の近くにあるト・オン・カフェは、ギャラリーを併設したアートのあるカフェだ。オーナーである中村一典氏は、札幌市民ギャラリーで5年間の勤務を経て、このカフェを2008年10月にオープンした。そのきっかけは、前職で培ってきたネットワークを生かし、アーティストと共につくるギャラリー空間にカフェをプラスした文化的なスペースをこの街につくりたい、という思いからだったそう。
店名の「ト・オン(to ov)」とは、ギリシャ語で「存在すること(英語で”to be”)」を意味し、“街の中に存在している”というイメージで名付けたそう。生活とギャラリーという2つの空間の中間に位置するような場所として、ト・オン・カフェは、札幌の街に存在している。そしてそこには、オーナーの『アートをより身近に感じてもらいたい。生活により近いシチュエーションでアートを楽しんでほしい』という思いが込められているのだ。
住所:札幌市中央区南9条西3丁目2-1 マジソンハイツ1F
Text: Mariko Takei after 5 years of experience working at Sapporo Citizens Gallery. Taking advantage of his networks established in the previous job, he started with an idea to make a cultural space with a cafe in this town of Sapporo by launching a gallery made with artists.
As you go in the entrance, you will first step into a cafe space where you can enjoy coffee/tea and light meals at counter seats or tables. There is a large book shelf with a number of books of art and music, which you can freely browse. Jazz is an owner’s favorite music genre, and it adds a comfortable atmosphere to the cafe area. For the cafe interior, Hokkaido-grown solid wood is used, and stepping stones made of Sapporo Nanseki, a kind of tuff produced in Hokkaido, connect to a gallery space in the back.
In the gallery space, planned exhibitions are shown throughout the year by replacing it every 2 weeks. Focusing on Sapporo-based artists, it exhibits a wide range of genres of art such as 2D, 3D, print art, and craft. The owner also launched a cultural school “Sapporo Art Labo” in spring 2010 to offer monthly art event including a lecture and workshop, by inviting guests who have been working n the various cultural activities.
The cafe name “TO OV” means “to be” in Greek. The owner used it with an image of “to be in the town”. As a place located in the middle of 2 spaces of living and gallery, TO OV cafe is in the town of Sapporo. And an idea “to enjoy art in the situation very similar to your living space for feeling art very close” is put in the space.
TO OV cafe
Address: Madison Heights 1F, 2-1 South 9 West 3, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
Opening Hours: 10:30-22:00 (Sundays until 20:00)
Tel: 011-299-6380
Text: Maroko Takei