黒い森美術館Kuroimori Museum

© Kuroimori Museum
Nestled deep in the mountains of Hokkaido, the “Kuroimori Museum” (Eiichi Shibuya Memorial Gallery) stands like a keeper of the forest. This private gallery commemorates the works of copperplate engraving artist Eiichi Shibuya森の番人のように山奥にひっそりと佇む建物がある。その名は「黒い森美術館」(渋谷栄一記念ギャラリー)。北海道・帯広出身の銅版画家・渋谷栄一氏(1928-)の作品を常設で展示する私設ギャラリーとして、2009年に札幌と千歳のほぼ中間に位置する北広島市にオープンした。
開館時間:月・火・水曜日 10:30〜15:30(冬期休館)
TEL:011-373-8239 (1928-), who was borne in Obihiro, Hokkaido. The “Kuroimori Museum” exhibits his artwork in its permanent collection. The gallery, which opened in 2009, is located halfway between Sapporo and Chitose, in the city of Kitahiroshima.
The location of this gallery may seem like an odd choice, but the building was originally a private home. The owner and architect Ms. Takako Saito redesigned her dilapidated house, and added a gallery annex, which was a lifelong dream of hers. As a longtime collector and friend of Shibutani’s, she decided to exhibit his work.
Currently residing in Sapporo, Shibutani produces his artwork as a copperplate engraving artist. He has also contributed to establishing the Hokkaido Hanga Kyokai (Hokkaido printmaking association) with internationally renowned printmaker Arinori Ichihara (1910-) and others. He has given greatly to the advancement of Hokkaido’s art world. The gallery holds around 50 of Shibutani’s pieces, and replaces the collection with new works several times a year.
The name for the museum comes from the “Black Forest” (Schwarzwald) in southern Germany where the owner studied art. Ms. Saito wishes visitors “to feel the importance of nature and to protect the rich forest.” Part of the entrance fee is donated to a charity for forest preservation.
In addition to the permanent collection, exhibits by artists close to the owner are presented as well. There is also a tearoom in the museum. The gallery closes during the winter, but walking through the forest, experiencing the 4 seasons while leisurely viewing art, and reflecting on nature should make a pleasant visit.
Kuroimori Museum (Eiichi Shibuya Memorial Gallery)
Address: 509-22 Tomigaoka, Kitahiroshima, Hokkaido
Opening Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 10:30-15:30
Closed on Winter seasons
Entrance Fee: 300 yen
Tel: 011-373-8239
Translation: Makiko Arima
开放时间:星期一・二・三 10:30-15:30