ミュージアム オブ クラフト&デザインThe Museum of Craft and Design

© The Museum of Craft and Design
Dogpatch, a neighborhood located on the eastern part of San Francisco and long associated with the warehouses and factories around the Bay Areaサンフランシスコの東、かつては港に面した倉庫や工場街だったが、1990年代に入り急激な変遷をとげてきたドッグパッチ。現在は半分が産業地、半分がミドル階級の居住地となっている。その中でも、3rdストリートと22ndストリートの周辺には、使用されなくなった倉庫や工場を改造したおしゃれなレストランやショップ、アーティストたちのスタジオが集まり、何かと注目の場所になっている。
The Museum of Craft and Design
住所:2569 3rd St, San Francisco
入場料:一般$ 8、シニア&学生$ 6、12歳以下無料
TEL:+1 415 773 0303
Text: Fuyumi Saito, has been through very rapid and deep changes since the 1990s. Nowadays, the older industrial sitesshare the bustling area with newer middle-class residences. Around the corner of 3rd and 22nd streets, now there are a number of stylish restaurants, shops and artists’ studios, all nested within renovated warehouses and former industrial buildings – making for a highly coveted neighborhood by San Francisco residents.
Formerly located on Sutter Street in the Downtown area, the Museum of Craft and Design reopened in its current Dogpatch location in 2013. The museum’s fully revamped building has a very contemporary appearance with its concrete and glass exterior. Inside, exposed ducts, pipes and bricks give the rugged feel of a creative workshop where real craftsmen, artists and designers live and breath.
A variety of different media and crafts are the main focus of the museum’s exhibitions. Works on display ingeniously crossover their creators’ sensibilities with skilled artistic techniques in a way that often surprise and inspire visitors. The museum offers workshops where artists and visitors interact to create sculptures and installations while programs that cater for children are also available.
The museum store has a range of original goods by the exhibiting artists on sale. If you want to have a glimpse at the work and lifestyle of San Francisco’s creatives and designers, the Museum of Craft and Design is an excellent place to start. Make sure you plan a visit whenever you are exploring the area around Dogpatch.
The Museum of Craft and Design
Address: 2569 3rd St, San Francisco
Opening Hours: 11:00 – 18:00 (Thursday till 19:00, Sunday 12:00 – 17:00)
Closed on Monday and Public holidays
Admission: General $ 8, Senior & Student $ 6, Under 12 Free
Tel: +1 415 773 0303
Text: Fuyumi Saito