サンフランシスコ近代美術館(SFMOMA)SFMOMA (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art)

The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Haas Atrium; © SFMOMA, photo by Richard Barnes
The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art is a dynamic center for modern and contemporary art. The Museum strives to engage and inspire a diverse range of audiences by pursuing an innovative program of exhibitions,「サンフランシスコ近代美術館(SFMOMA)」は、モダンアートと現代アートの中心として精力的な活動を行っている。展示、教育、出版、収集などにおける革新的な活動を通して、幅広い観客を巻き込み、奮起させていく。「SFMOMA」は、国際的な視野も持ちつつもその地域ならではの特徴を反映しながら、ビジュアル・カルチャーにおける魅力的な表現を探求していくのだ。
住所:151 Third Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
時間:金〜火 11:00〜17:45/木 11:00〜20:45/夏期及び祝日は10:00〜(水曜定休)
料金:大人 12.50 USD/シニア 8.00 USD/学生 7.00 USD
TEL:+415 357 4000
education, publications, and collections activities. International in scope, while reflecting the distinctive character of our region, the Museum explores compelling expressions of visual culture.
The first museum on the West Coast devoted solely to 20th-century art, the San Francisco Museum of Art opened in 1935 under the direction of Grace L. McCann Morley. After her 23-year tenure, Morley was succeeded as Museum director by George D. Culler (1958–65) and Gerald Nordland (1966–72). The Museum, which celebrated its 50th anniversary in 1985, rose to international prominence under the leadership of Henry T. Hopkins (1974–86). “Modern” was added to the Museum’s title in 1975 to describe its purview more accurately.
John R. Lane was appointed director of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) from 1987 to 1997. Under his direction, the Museum established three new curatorial posts—curator of painting and sculpture, curator of architecture and design and curator of media arts—and elevated the positions of director of education and director of photography to full curatorial roles. Subsequently, SFMOMA undertook an extremely active special exhibitions program, both organizing and hosting traveling exhibitions. In January 1995, SFMOMA opened a new museum facility in the burgeoning South of Market district, designed by renowned Swiss architect Mario Botta.
David A. Ross was director of SFMOMA from June 1998 to August 2001. During his tenure, Ross was instrumental in the acquisition of a number of major works of art for the permanent collection, including 22 seminal pieces by Ellsworth Kelly; 14 important works by Robert Rauschenberg; René Magritte’s Les Valeurs personelles, (Personal Values; 1952); two important late paintings by Piet Mondrian: Composition with Red, Yellow and Blue (1935–42) and New York City 2 (Unfinished), 1941; a lead airplane sculpture by Anselm Kiefer entitled Melancholia (1990–91); and Marcel Duchamp’s iconic Fountain (1917/1964). Ross steered the museum through an unprecedented period of growth, during which time the Museum’s membership grew to more than 44,000 people and the permanent collection to more than 22,000 objects. He was particularly interested in artists exploring the intersection of art and technology, a theme carried out in such exhibitions as Bill Viola, Seeing Time: Selections from the Pamela and Richard Kramlich Collection of Media Art and the groundbreaking 010101: Art in Technological Times.
Neal Benezra succeeded David Ross as director in 2002, assuming his new role in August. The following year, SFMOMA presented the phenomenally successful Marc Chagall exhibition, hosting more than 115,000 visitors in October—more than any other month in its history. Also in 2003 the Museum’s Koret Visitor Education Center, the only educational facility at an American art museum to offer drop-in public access, celebrated its first anniversary. SFMOMA continued breaking records in 2004 with almost 800,000 total visitors and a 36 percent increase in membership, giving it the largest member base of any modern or contemporary art museum in the country. Among the nearly 600 works acquired in 2004, of particular note were Suspension of Disbelief (for Marine) (1991–92), a video installation by Gary Hill; Tide Table (2003), a film and suite of related drawings by the South African artist William Kentridge; and Atrabiliarios (1992–2004), a mixed-media installation by the Columbian artist Doris Salcedo. Prentice and Paul Sack made a promised gift of nearly 800 photographs from their private collection to the Prentice and Paul Sack Photographic Trust. And in 2005 SFMOMA inaugurated the immensely popular Modern Ball, a spring fundraising gala to be held biennially.
Address: 151 Third Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
Open: Fri-Tue 11:00-17:45 / Thu 11:00-20:45 (Closed on Wednesday)
Museum Summer Hours (Memorial Day through Labor Day):
Fri–Tue 10:00-17:45 / Thur 10:00-20:45 (Closed on Wednesday)
Entrance Fee: Adult 12.50 USD / Seniors 8.00 USD / Students 7.00 USD
Tel: +415 357 4000
SFMOMA is closed on the following public holidays: New Year’s Day, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. SFMOMA closes at 4:45 p.m. on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. The Museum is open the Wednesday between Christmas and New Year’s Day.旧金山现代艺术博物馆(SFMOMA)
地址:151 Third Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
承认:成人 12.50 USD/学生 7.00 USD
电话:+415 357 4000