ロマー・ヤング・ギャラリーRomer Young Gallery

© Romer Young Gallery
2005年にオープンした、ロマー・ヤング・ギャラリー(旧ピンポンギャラリー)は、一見するとアートとは関係ないような”動き”で展示空間を作り出す。展覧会や遊び場というものの背景に、ある明確なテーマがあるならば、無限の会話を生む一種の形としてそれはアートと呼べるRomer Young Gallery (formerly Ping Pong Gallery) is a contemporary gallery focused on innovative, challenging, and ambitious work. The gallery represents emerging, national and international artistsのだ。一つのコミュニケーションの形としてのアートである。
Romer Young Gallery
住所:1240 22nd Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
営業時間:木・金・土曜日 11:00〜17:00(予約制)
TEL:+1 (415) 550 7483
Translation: Tatsuhiko Akutsuworking in areas of visual, conceptual, installation and performance art. The transition from Ping Pong Gallery to Romer Young Gallery happened in December of 2010 on the eve of Ping Pong Gallery’s five year anniversary. The change is one that celebrates a milestone and signals the gallery’s growth and evolution. Collaborating closely with its artists and allowing them a great deal of curatorial freedom, Romer Young Gallery continues its commitment to creative experimentation and discourse.
Romer Young Gallery
Address: 1240 22nd Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
Open: Thursday, Friday, Saturday 11:00 – 17:00 (or by appointment)
Tel: +1 (415) 550 7483