アンノー・ドミニーAnno Domini

Dante Horoiwa © Anno Domini
No matter where you are, you might be hungry for art at anytime. Anno Domini has its door open in the middle of business-oriented downtown San Joseたとえ世界のどこにいようと、アートへの食欲はいつだって旺盛なはず。 アンノー・ドミニーはビジネス街であるサンノゼの繁華街の中心に位置している。
Anno Domini
住所:366 South First Street, San Jose, CA 95113
TEL:408 271 5155
Text: Yumiko Miyagawa.
Although people are used to a fast-paced life these days, once they step inside of Anno Domini, things slow down for a big feast. People might not realize how much time they have actually spent inside, but by the time they leave the gallery, their tummy and heart are stuffed with amazing art.
Anno Domini fills its space with a wide variety of amazing urban art. The owners of the gallery, Cherri Lakey and Brian Eder, are the most art-hungry people in San Jose, and they’ re happy to share the many yummy artists that they come across with the public. Anno Domini organizes a monthly art event called South First Fridays that involves many galleries in downtown San Jose and introduces a new art exhibit every month for free.
Past artists who have satisfied people’ s cravings at Anno Domini include Bruno 9li, David Choe, Adrian Lee, M Dot Strange, Jeremiah Maddock, Pjota and a great many more.
Anno Domini
Address: 366 South First Street, San Jose, CA 95113
Openinig Hours: Tuesday – Friday Noon-19:00 and Saturday Noon-17:00
Closed on Sunday and Monday
Tel: 408 271 5155
Text: Yumiko Miyagawa