エリザベス・リーチ・ギャラリーElizabeth Leach Gallery
1981年に設立されたエリザベス・リーチ・ギャラリー。ギャラリーはつい最近、ポートランドのパール地区9番通りに新しく4,000平方フィートのスペースへと移転した。Established in 1981, the Elizabeth Leach Gallery offers Portland’s most comprehensive selection of contemporary fine art. 新しいスペースはランディ・ヒギンズによってデザインされ、ポートランドのアーティスト、ハップ・ティビーのビデオと光のインスタレーション「ライト・オン・ザ・ホライズン」を紹介した。
Elizabeth Leach Gallery
住所:417 N.W. 9th Avenue Portland, OR 97209
TEL:+1 503 224 0521
Translation: Asami MiyamuraThe Gallery has just recently relocated to a new 4,000 square-foot space in Portland’s Pearl District, at 417 NW 9th Ave. The new space was designed by Randy Higgins, and features a video and light installation by Portland light artist Hap Tivey titled “Light on the Horizon”.
Elizabeth Leach’s background is in art history and she is very active in Portland’s art community. She is currently the President of the Portland Art Dealers Association, she serves on the advisory committee for the Pacific Northwest College of Art, and has been on the boards of several arts organizations, including PCVA and PICA.
Elizabeth Leach Gallery
Address: 417 N.W. 9th Avenue Portland, OR 97209
Open: 10:30-17:30 (Closed on Monday)
Tel: +1 503 224 0521
Elizabeth Leach画廊
地址:417 N.W. 9th Avenue Portland, OR 97209
电话:+1 503 224 0521