
シェイクスピア・アンド・カンパニーShakespeare and Company

© Shakespeare and Company

One of the places in Paris where you’ll hear English spoken the most is Shakespeare and Company, a specialty store for English books, located in Saint-Michel, slightly outside of downtownパリで最も英語を耳にする場所のひとつに、「シェイクスピア・アンド・カンパニー」がある。ここは、サン・ミッシェルという繁華街から少し離れた場所に位置する英語書籍の専門書店である。ここのオーナーのシルヴィア・ホイットマンとのインタビューは、階段を上がった奥のスペースで、看板犬のコレットと共に行なわれた。




Shakespeare and Company
住所:37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005 Paris
TEL:+33 (0)1 4325 4093

Text and photo: Shotaro Okada
. This interview with the owner of the bookstore, Sylvia Whitman, was held above the shop with store dog, Colette.

The bookstore has quite a bit of history. The forerunner of the bookstore was a specialty bookstore named “Shakespeare and Company” started by Sylvia Beach, a woman in the 6th arrondissement of Paris. Beach’s existence influenced lots of ‘lost generation’ authors, such as Hemingway, Joyce, and Fitzgerald. The store closed its doors in 1941.

After the bookstore’s closure, George Whitman opened a store in 1951 called “Le Mistral” at the current Shakespeare and Company location, taking after Beach’s DNA. With Beach’s blessing, Whitman changed the name of the store to “Shakespeare and Company” in celebration of Shakespeare’s 400th birthday in 1964. Whitman is best friends with Lawrence Ferlinghetti, the founder of City Lights Bookstore. Whitman was very well informed about Beatnik literature, and his legacy continues in the form of poetry readings and concerts which are held at the store.

The current owner of Shakespeare and Company is Sylvia, Whitman’s daughter. The store is inviting to the casual visitor, but also maintains a great selection of classics. If you can play the piano, you should visit the second floor. If you think that you might be overwhelmed by the huge volume of history in Paris, you should have a seat on a couch at the store and open up a book. You will cherish each and every minute spent with Shakespeare and Company.

Shakespeare and Company
Address: 37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005 Paris
Opening Hours: 10:00-23:00 (Saturday and Sunday from 11:00)
Tel: +33 (0)1 4325 4093

Text and photo: Shotaro Okada
Translation: Yumiko Miyagawa

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