
マルーシア・レベックMaroussia Rebecq

© Maroussia Rebecq

Andrea Crews” is a one of fashion brands activates in Paris. That street-casual brand figures in Paris, where is well known as the heart of mode. I was fascinated with it during Paris fashion week, and I visited the studioパリを拠点に活動するファッション・ブランド、アンドレア・クルーズ。ストリート感に溢れるこのブランドは、モードの中心地パリで異彩を放っている。パリ・ファッション・ウィーク中に出会い、その躍動感に満ちたプレゼンテーションに心を奪われた身として、是非ともインタビューしたいと思い、まるで秘密基地のようなスタジオに足を運んだ。そして、創立者のマルーシア・レベックにお会いし、この刺激的なブランドのストーリーを聞くことができた。





Andrea Crews Studio
住所:25 rue de Vaucouleurs, 75011 Paris
TEL:+33 (0)1 4221 3636(プレス)

Text and photo: Shotaro Okada
like a secret base to interview with a founder. I met Ms. Maroussia Rebecq, to get a whole story of this sparkling brand.

“Andrea Crews” is an imaginary activist who was born in 2002, with full of energy and creativity. The clothes make everyone the real Andrea Crews without depending on matters like age, sex, and gay nor lesbian. Graphical and unique wardrobe are made from no-limit creation and appeals noisiness like as one corner of downtown in Paris. (I am afraid that Paris is noisy than you think)

This brand is not only creating original graphics, but also customizing vintage clothes. We can feel warmth from creators throughout their products. Impromptu and experimental clothes are made like painting graffiti by staffs in the studio. I tried a few clothes there, and I got felt and excited with bound and energy of the fashion which has had primarily.

“I will gain weight by getting older, like a wrestler of sumo.” Maroussia tells kidding about the future of her brand. However, I know she spreads her activities such as holding events around the world, having announcements on the same period with Paris Fashion Week. As you know, fashion style in Paris is conservative as always. In such a place, “Andrea Crews” is absolutely one of valuable brands which continues creating original stuffs.

While interviewing, she explained “alternative” as her activity. Ensure that “Andrea Crews” is connected with whole people who support anything “other”, not exist in the main world!

Andrea Crews Studio
Address: 25 rue de Vaucouleurs, 75011 Paris
Tel: +33 (0)1 4221 3636 (Press Office)

Text and photo: Shotaro Okada
Translation: Eiko Kondo

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