イヴ・サンローラン美術館Musée Yves Saint Laurent

Photo: Wakana Kawahito
Yves Saint Laurent is the king of the mode style fashion of France. A museum dedicated to him opened in Paris in October 2017. The place which became the museum was originally the office of the Yves Saint Laurent Foundation and where Yves himself had used as an atelier and an office for 30 years. An aristocratic house was renovated and turned into this museum. There, you experience the creation of Yves Saint Laurent that you can feel Parisian elegance.イヴ・サンローランは、フランスを代表とするモードの帝王だ。彼の個人美術館が2017年10月、パリにオープンした。美術館となった場所は、元々イヴ・サンローラン財団の事務所であり、イヴ自身が30年間アトリエ兼オフィスとして使用していたゆかりのあるところ。貴族の家を改装したこの美術館では、パリらしいエレガンスが感じられるイヴ・サンローランのクリエーションに触れることができる。
Musée Yves Saint Laurent
住所:5 avenue Marceau, Paris 16ème
Text: Wakana KawahitoThe most impressive room in the museum is the atelier on the top floor. The room where Yves Saint Laurent actually taught design and did model fitting is left unchanged at the time . It could be called as the heart of the brand. The innermost part of the room is Yves’s desk, and the design drawings he actually painted and the work tools he used were left there. The bookshelf against the wall has Picasso and Mondrian art collections and books of folk costumes from various places which Yves had been inspired by for his design. When you see a variety of clothing accessories such as fabrics, ribbons and buttons left in every corner of this room, you might have an imagination that Yves Saint Laurent opens the door and gives instructions for the design at this moment.
About 20,000 rare collections are displayed in the museum, including collections of over 5,000 haute couture, more than 15,000 accessories, design drawings and instructions that were actually produced. From the design picture and the instructions to the patterner, people can see the process of the production which can hardly be seen and feel euphoria by looking at the source of creation.
Visiting the museum before or after seeing Yves Saint Laurent movies, there will be benefits on both ways. People should appreciate amazingness of Yves Saint Laurent once again in touch with fashion, the life of a man who was fashionable, the work of haute couture’s heyday and design.
Musée Yves Saint Laurent
Address: 5 avenue Marceau, Paris 16ème
Opening Hours: 11:00 – 18:00 (Fridays open until 19:00)
Closed on Monday
Text: Wakana Kawahito
Translation: Yumiko Miyagawa