フォンダシオン・ルイ・ヴィトンFoundation Louis Vuitton

Iwan Baan for Fondation Louis Vuitton © Iwan Baan 2014
After getting off the Line 1 at Les Sablons underground station, walk for about 10 minutes and you will arrive at Bois de Boulogne, a big green luscious park地下鉄1番線のレ・サブロン駅を降りてから、表示に従って10分ほど歩くと、パリとは思えない豊かな緑の公園が見えてくる。このブローニュの森の北側にあるのが、アクリマタシオン庭園で、その先をもっと進むと、巨大な船のような形の、奇妙な物が見えてくる。それが、ルイ・ヴィトン財団の美術館「フォンダシオン・ルイ・ヴィトン」だ。
Fondation Louis Vuitton
住所:8, Avenue du Mahatma Gandhi 75116
TEL:+33(0)1 40 69 96 00
Text: Wakana Kawahito – a place that gives you an instant feeling of being in Paris! Heading towards the north part of the park, past the Jardin d’Acclimatation, you will suddenly discover a building shaped like a giant ship – the Louis Vuitton Foundation.
The construction plan was announced in 2006, and it was scheduled to be opened in 2010. However, after many delays, it was finally opened to the public in the fall of 2014. Architect Frank Gehry designed this enormous building inspired by 19th century greenhouse architecture – Gehry’s design for this project is a work of art by itself. The museum layout spreads itself like a maze, where room after room follows the organic shape of the building. Visitors walk through the exhibition while sometimes getting lost and eventually finding their way. The getting lost part of the process only adds to the viewers’ experience in appreciating the art on display. In addition, small details such as typography and lighting have also been carefully chosen, showing a level of sophistication that can only be attributed to LVMH, a leading worldwide luxury brand.
There are three main parts in this museum: the private collection of Mr. Bernard Arnault – the CEO of LVMH group, original works made especially for this location, and the temporary exhibitions and concerts. Therefore the museum’s concept of art includes sounds, dance and performance, which covers a broad area of the arts when compared to exhibitions in other museums. Contemporary art has steadily evolved and diversified with conceptual art and performance art. Looking at the selection of artists and artworks, we can see the deep thought that was given to the establishment of this institution. On the other hand, this museum has suffered a lot of criticism recently, stemming from the fact that a luxury fashion brand such as Luis Vuitton has widely splashed out a large amount of funds on a museum of this scope. But before drawing out any quick conclusions, a visit to the Louis Vuitton Foundation is recommended, and finding out for yourself what it is setting out to achieve and the meaning of art presented in it.
Fondation Louis Vuitton
Address: 8, Avenue du Mahatma Gandhi 75116, Paris
Opening Hours: 12:00-19:00 (till 23:00 on Friday, 11:00-20:00 on Saturday and Sunday)
*during the school vacation period daily 10:00-20:00, and till 23:00 on Friday
Admission: 14 €, under 26-year-old 10 €, under 18 years old 5 €, under 3-year-old free
Tel: +33 (0) 1 40 69 96 00
Text: Wakana Kawahito