
エレファント・パナマElephant Paname

© Magdga Biernat

© Magdga Biernat

Elephant Paname is a new art and dance center, settled on the Rue Volney, in a posh area near Paris Opéra. Created by Fanny Fiat, a former Opéra ballerina, and by her brother, artist Laurent Fiat, Elephant Paname unites under a same roofエレファント・パナマは、オペラ座近くのエレガントなヴォルネイ通りに位置する新しいアート、ダンスセンター。かつてのオペラ座のバレリーナ、ファニー・フィアットが弟のローラン・フィアットと共に設立したこの施設は、一つの屋根でつながれた二棟の大きな大邸宅を使用しており、その印象的な円形の広間にはいくつかのダンススタジオ、綺麗な展示スペース、さらにはティーハウスやショップとしての機能も兼ね備えた美食レストランが店を構える。素晴らしいダンサーであったノエラ・ポントワを讃えた展覧会など、様々な展覧会が開催されている。




Elephant Paname
住所:10 rue Volney, 75002 Paris
レストラン:12:00~0:00(日曜日11: 00~18:00)
TEL:+33 (0)1 4927 8333

Text: Valérie Douniaux
Translation: Satsuki Miyanishi
, in a splendid and vast mansion, several dance studios, beautiful exhibition rooms, among which an impressive glass-roof rotunda, as well as a gastronomic restaurant, that also operates as a tea-house, and a shop. The exhibitions talk about dance, as with the recent beautiful homage to the great dancer Noëlla Pontois, but not only.

Elephant Paname owns its strange name to the association of two symbols. The first one, the elephant, was a favourite fantasy of Parisian builders in the nineteenth century, a time of exotic discoveries in far away countries and of international exhibitions. There were plans to erect a bronze monument in the shape of an elephant at the Bastille and, for many years, a large-scale plaster model was abandoned at the edge of the Place de la Bastille, moving Victor Hugo so deeply that he had his famous character Gavroche, in his major novel Les Misérables, live in the belly of the beast. Then, in 1858, a colossal elephant was thought to be built on the Carrefour de l’Etoile, to house a ballroom and a theatre. So, strangely, the heavy animal seemed closely associated to art and dance in nineteenth century Paris!

The second symbol evoked by the name of the place is the famous Panama straw hat, brought into high fashion in Paris during the time of the construction of the Panama canal, leading to the nickname of Paname for Paris.

The mansion was buit in the nineteenth century by Russia’s ambassador to France, Alexis Saltykov. The mansion’s reception rooms, luxuriously decorated in the pure Second Empire style, are emblematic of the Belle Époque. The best society of Paris gathered there, to attend the elegant and lavish parties given by the Ambassador, an avid patron of the arts. Unfortunately, the place was abandoned at the fall of the Empire, later hosting the headquarters of a Parisian bank. Functionality and poor taste leaded to the concealing of the rich decoration of the rooms under anonymous walls. But this sad time had some positive consequences, the encased interior decoration being thus protected from the ravages of time and rediscovered in overall good condition, like a sleeping beauty, many years later. The spectacular cupola also dates from the time when the place was a bank. Exceptional in size, the glass-blocks frameless round ceiling encloses an area of more than 250 sq.m, and has become the central point of Éléphant Paname, offering an ideal setting for staged events, concerts or exhibitions.

Dance lovers will particularly appreciate this unique space that offers the chance to attend classes as well as to discover interesting events and exhibitions. But, more largely, Elephant Paname is opened to any art and culture lover, and offers a unique union of several art fields, of culture and gastronomy.

Elephant Paname
Address: 10 rue Volney, 75002 Paris
Opening Hours: 11:00 – 19:00 (Thursdays until 21:00)
Closed on Monday, December 25th, January 1st, May 1st
Restaurant: 12:00 – 0:00 (Sunday 11: 00 – 18:00)
Tel: +33 (0)1 4927 8333

Text: Valérie Douniaux

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