
ルーブル・ランスLouvre Lens

© Louvre Lens

© Louvre Lens

The Louvre Lens is the first step of the Global Louvre project, before the opening of another branch of the world-famous museum in Abu Dhabi. After the launching of an annex of the Pompidou Centre in Metzルーブル・ランスはグローバル・ルーブル・プロジェクトの第一弾であり、世界的に有名なルーブル美術館のもう一つの分館がアブダビにできる以前からのものだ。フランスの有名な美術館が従属的なスペースをパリの外に置いたとしてものとしてはメッスにあるポンピドゥー・センターの別館に次いで2番目となっていて、どちらも大きな成功を収めている。ルーブル・ランスは2012年12月4日にオープンし、それからまもなく当初の予想を超える非常に多くの来訪者を獲得した。



展示室へと続く通路も同じくホールから伸びている。グランド・ギャラリーとタイム・ギャラリーは最も重要な展示スペースで、120m2の広さがあり総面積は3,000m2に及ぶ。このスペースはギャラリーとグラス・パラビオンと呼ばれる補足的な展示場の2つの部分に分かれており、共に常設展 専用となっている。その名前が示すように、タイム・ギャラリーのまるで遠近法のような展示は年代順に基づいていて、全ての作品が一つの空間にあり年表に 沿って金属製の側壁の上に再生されている。この展示は観る者を古代から近代へ、そして展示のクライマックスに登場するドラクロワの「民衆を導く自由の女神」まで導いてくれる。

住所:99 Rue Paul Bert, 62300 Lens, France
TEL:+33 (0)3 2118 6262

Text: Valerie Douniaux
Translation: Ayami Ueda
, this is the second time that a major French museum settles a secondary space outside Paris, with much success in both cases. The Louvre Lens opened its doors on December 4, 2012, and instantly drawn a very large number of visitors, exceeding all expectations.

The Louvre-Lens is settled on a former coal-mining site, in the French Northern city of Lens. Many years after the closing of its last mine, Lens still bears difficult economic and social conditions and the Louvre-Lens aims to play an active in local regeneration and in the modernisation of the area’s image. The building of the Louvre Lens is the work of the renowned Japanese firm SANAA, in collaboration with the American construction cabinet Imrey Culbert Architect and the French landscaping architect Catherine Mosbach. The building’s structure very much reminds one of the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, also by SANAA, but on a larger scale, and with a direct reference to the mining past of the place, the temporary exhibition galleries being built underground.

The ground floor, with its three parts linked to each other, seems to stretch towards the landscape. The main hall, with its four entrances, is indeed the nervous centre of the museum. Visitors can find there the ticket and information offices, a large shop, a resource centre, a picnic area, a cafeteria… The general idea of the architecture is one of airiness, like boats floating on a river, and of merging with nature, the surrounding gardens reflecting their image on the glass walls.

The access to the exhibition rooms is also made from the hall. The Grand Gallery or Time Gallery (Galerie du Temps) is the most important of these exhibiting spaces, with 120 meters in length and a total surface of 3,000 m2. The space is divided into two parts: the Gallery and an additional exhibition place called the Glass Pavillion, both dedicated to the permanent exhibition. As its name suggests, the scenography of the Time Gallery is based on a chronological order, with works all settled in a unique space, following a chronology that is reproduced on the lateral metallic walls. The exhibition leads the visitors from Antiquity to Modern Times, with Delacroix’s Liberté guidant le Peuple as the closing work and focus point of the installation.

Louvre Lens
Address: 99 Rue Paul Bert, 62300 Lens, France
Opening Hours: 10:00 – 18:00 (till 22:00, only on the first Friday of the month, from September to June)
Park: May 15th – September 15th, 7:00 – 21:00 / September 16th – May 14th, 8:00 – 19:00
Closed on Tuesday, May 1st
Tel: +33 (0)3 2118 6262

Text: Valerie Douniaux


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