カルティエ財団現代美術館Fondation Cartier Pour L’art Contemporain

© Jean Nouvel / Adagp, Paris. Photo: © Luc Boegly
Who does not love Paris? Constantly on the spotlight, this European capital is home to some of the most important art venues in the world. At the Southside of the Seine river and located on Paris’ Boulevard Raspail is the Fondation Cartier pour l’Art Contemporain.パリを愛していないひとがいるだろうか。常に注目されてきたこのヨーロッパの中心都市は、世界の最も重要なアートの拠点となっている。セーヌ川の南側にあり、パリのラスパイユ大通り沿いに位置するのが、カルティエ財団現代美術館だ。
建物の裏側には、街の喧騒から逃れ、そこで座って静けさを感じながら、リラックスタイムを楽しむことができる素敵な庭がある。この庭は、ローター・バウム ガルテンというアーティストがデザインを手掛け、宇宙の実際の輪郭(正方形、長方形、三角形、楕円形)に沿った幾何学図形の5つのユニット構造をこの場所に重ね合わせている。
30年以上もの間、カルティエ財団は、ときには要求の高い展示から親しみやすい展示まで様々な現代美術の体験を訪問者に提供してきた。テーマはシャーマニズム、数学、ブードゥー教など多岐に渡り、常に好奇心を刺激し、予想外の話題を引き出し、アーティスト、科学者、ときにはア マゾンのインディアンまで様々な肩書きの人々の白熱した会話をも生み出してきた。
Fondation Cartier Pour L’art Contemporain
住所:261 Boulevard Raspail, 75014 Paris
TEL:+33 (0)1 4218 5650
入場料:10.5 ユーロ
Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Satsuki MiyanishiWhen you walk down Boulevard Raspail you may stumble upon a glass and steel structure. This building was commissioned by internationally renowned architect Jean Nouvel in 1994. Jean Nouvel’s self-proclaimed “Parisian Monument” was a museum space that would be both open and transparent, a vessel for innumerable exhibition possibilities. The spirit of this expansive, radical space has fired the imagination of artists presented by the Foundation Cartier.
The space is divided into three levels – apart from the six-storey area of offices communicated with a glass elevator – The underground floor offers a space where audiovisual art can take place. The ground floor hosts part of the exhibitions. From here you can take the stairs up to the library store. You can access to some of their calalogues and book online vie their e-shop.
The backyard of the building is a fantastic place isolated from the bustle of the city, where to sit down enjoy the stillness, and relax. This garden is a work commissioned by the artist Lotha Baumgarten. She imagined this place around a structure of five geometric modules following the actual contours of the space (square, rectangle, triangle, or oval).
For more than thirty years the Fondation Cartier invites visitors to experience contemporary art and though exhibitions that are demanding and accessible. With themes as varied as shamanism, mathematics, and voodoo, it has constantly encouraged inquisitiveness, explored unexpected subjects and sparked lasting conversations between groups as diverse as artists, scientists, and Amazonian Indians.
The Collection of the Fondation Cartier is the most direct expression of Cartier’s patronage and keeps sourcing and colleting contemporary artworks constantly. Hence Cartier’s collection can be seen as a good representation of contemporary art today.
Fondation Cartier Pour L’art Contemporain
Address: 261 Boulevard Raspail, 75014 Paris, France
Opening hours: 11:00 – 20:00 (Tuesday until 22:00)
Closed on Mondays
Tel: +33 (0)1 4218 5650
Entrance fee: €10,50 (€12 online)
Text: Victor Moreno