

Benjamin-Valenza, performance, October 20th, 2011 © cneai =

Benjamin-Valenza, performance, October 20th, 2011 © cneai =

News in Paris flows gradually. Unless you are a curious person, it is easy to miss it. One thing I didn’t miss was Cneai=, which organizes and sponsors art and cultural activities in Paris, though it was only by chanceパリの情報はゆるやかに流れている。そのため、自らが好奇心を持って出掛ないと、キャッチするのを逃してしまいがちだ。パリを拠点にアートや様々な文化活動を主催、サポートする「クナイ=(cneai=)」を知ったのも、偶然が偶然を呼んだところが大きい。

1997年に設立されたクナイ=の名前の由来は、C; Centre、N; National、E; Edition、A; Art、I; Imprimé(フランス語で「印刷された」という意味)からきている。また、「=」の部分はアーティストやキュレーター、オーディエンスなどの総合的な「余白」を示すという。このしなやかな名前の通り、クナイ=の活動は実に多岐に渡っている。例えば、「サロン・ライト」は、2009年にブラジルのサンパウロにて「フラワーズ&ブックス」というテーマで、現地のキュレーターとのコラボレーションで行なったという。



住所:20 Rue Louise Weiss, 75013 Paris
TEL:+33 (0)1 3952 4535

Text: Shotaro Okada
that my attention was caught by it.

Cneai= was established in 1997, the name is derived from the letters C for Centre、N for National、E for Edition、A for Art、I for Imprimé (meaning “printed” in French), and “=” indicates a synthetic blank (blanc) space between artists, curators, and the audience. As the name suggests, Cneai=’s activities are quite diverse. For example, in 2009 ‘Salon Light’ was held in São Paulo, Brazil, with a theme “Flowers & Books”, in collaboration with local curators.

Since 2006, they have been running a project called “Maison Flottante” at a chateau (French country house or castle) on the outskirts of Paris. This is a project where a boat on the river has been turned into an artist residence. Artists live on board the boat and on a regular basis perform unique activities and do installations. In addition, they do their own label activities, publish books, and release LPs and DVDs.

As mentioned earlier, the studio/gallery of Cneai= is based in Paris. It could be said that this is where the brains of the operation can be found. In their basement office space are the archives of various events and other works are crowded together and lined up. A gallery space on the ground level is open to the public, events are held regularly and people can find out about the ‘now’ of Cneai=, the various activities they do while touring the world.

Address: 20 Rue Louise Weiss, 75013 Paris
Open: 11:00-19:00 (Closed on Sunday and Monday)
Tel: +33 (0)1 3952 4535

Text: Shotaro Okada
Translation: Meiko Maruyama


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