
エミル・ニコライセンEmil Nikolaisen


It is not a secret that the 4AD band Serena Maneesh are from Norway. Well, in fact they do live in Oslo. We met Emil Nikolaisen, leader of the band to talk about the city and things4ADレーベルのセレナ・マニッシュがノルウェー出身というのはご存知のとおり。事実、彼らはオスロ在住だ。そんなバンドのリーダーであるエミル・ニコライセンにオスロという街について伺った。高級な街のオスロでは行く場所の選定が必須のようだ。













Text and photo: Victor Moreno
Translation: Yuki Mine, Mariko Takei
to do around. Oslo is an expensive city, all right, but as Emil suggest you need to choose constructive routes.

In Norway you introduced the album at Rockefeller in Oslo.

Rockefeller is a pretty standard good sized venue, cap of app 1300 people. Pretty tall stage, balcony, and a really good sound system. It has a long tradition, and I’ ve had some magical moments there. Have to say I love that place. As everything in Norway, it is sadly expensive, and it is purely a music venue, so it is definitely not somewhere you just hang out…As a city Oslo is nice, but you need to choose constructive routes, day and night time.

Do you see yourself living in Oslo for many years or has the idea about to move somewhere else crossed your mind?

hmmm… there are so many places I love in the world.. I have been on the verge of leaving many times… Either to the big world or heading back into the woods. The woods are calling me. They have been, strongly lately.

I met your other sister Elvira and she told me that also plays in a well-known band in Norway.

Haha, there you go. Yeah. She’ s solo. Her debut went platinum or whatever they call it here, and she is a household name with families here in Norway. We do pretty different things so to speak.

So is all of you musicians?

We are seven siblings and the youngest three got sensible and went the good, stability way. I admire them. My brother Ivar, and my two sisters, Elvira and Hilma are stuck in this crazy game. Well, we had an incredible childhood and our home was filled with a lot of love, joy and love for music. Music was used in so many events of our early life and still is.

Talking more about your persona. What do you enjoy most after tour and to be back home?

Air is clean. Food is clean. Woods are clean. Water is clear and clean. All this. Cause I am definitely not clean but I get to enjoy all this richness. We are privileged up here!

You were playing at Roskilde in Copenhagen, the most important Festival in Scandinavia.

Roskilde was great.. We kind of opened this years program and thought it had to be with a bang so we were silly and danced and smiled and turned the amps around. I like that the festival has more of a continental feel…You feel more liberated…
Serena Maneesh also played at Hove Festival and Øya Festival in Norway.

Text and photo: Victor Moreno

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