Norway is well-known, despite to be very expensive, one of the most gorgeous natural environments in the world. It is west side of Scandinavia, the Fjords of Norway are one the biggest natural reserves on earth. Oslo is the economic and cultural center, capital of Norway. It has barely a million of inhabitants. You can easily move around in town with the local traffic. In fact, the local traffic it is quite confusing, you will see people getting in the bus without paying a ticket, just taking the ride, but you better watch out and look for your ticket so the inspector will pop up breathing in your neck, even more if you take the tram, which it has a great communication from one side to other within the metropolitan area. If you want to avoid expensive rates in your staying, there are a few fine youth hostels in town. Although Oslo is not that big city, it is better you find your staying in the city center, otherwise you will eventually spend your budget in a cap back home after midnight. Music-wise the stereotype of Norwegian black metal belongs to the local scene, however it is just more fun than other thing. Some new art galleries, new local fashion designers and good food. Smørbrød (similar to Danish) is the open sandwiches, creamed seafood soups, stockfish and of course the cured salmon. Oslo has also its archipelago, Oslo Fjords. All in all you will find out that Oslo is more than neoclassical churches, amazing nature, cured salmon and black metal. - Text: Victor Moreno
  • Emil Nikolaisen

    エミル・ニコライセンEmil Nikolaisen


    It is not a secret that the 4AD band Serena Maneesh are from Norway. Well, in fact they do live in Oslo. We met Emil Nikolaisen, leader of the band to talk about the city and things4ADレーベルのセレナ・マニッシュがノルウェー出身というのはご存知のとおり。事実、彼らはオスロ在住だ。そんなバンドのリーダーであるエミル・ニコライセンにオスロという街について伺った

  • 0047 OSLO

    0047 オスロ0047 OSLO

    「0047 オスロ」はノルウェーのオスロに拠点を置く現代アートや建築活動を世界に発信する展示スペース。彼らが計画、または他のキュレーターや組織との協力によって開かれる0047 OSLO is an internationally oriented exhibition space for contemporary art and architecture based in Oslo,

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