
谷口 純弘Yoshihiro Taniguchi

ディグミーアウトは、大阪のラジオ局FM802が主催するアーティスト発掘プロジェクト。未だ発見されていない才能あるアーティストたちをDigmeout” is a project that literally tries to “dig artists out”; hosted by 802 FM (a radio station in Osaka). For young artists and creators次々と世に送り込んでいるディグミーアウトに認められることがイラストレーターや美術家など若手クリエイターの登竜門となりつつある。また国内、海外の大企業とコラボレートするなど世界中から注目を浴びるディグミーアウトのプロデューサー、谷口純弘氏に今回お話を伺った。






僕たちのプロジェクトを最初に「dig out」してくれたのは、オレゴン州・ポートランドにある「コンパウンド・ギャラリー」だったんだ。
ポートランドの人は、みんなフレンドリーで、大阪の街によく似ているって感じがする。街のサイズは小さいけれど、ナイキWiden+Kennedyなどの世界企業の本社が集まっていて、そこからスグ世界に発信できる仕組みができている。この町のクリエイターやアートディレクター達に認められ、コミュニティの一員として仲良くしてもらえたことが、僕たちの自信につながっているんだ。ポートランドは大好きな町。パウエルズというでかい本屋やエース・ホテルもあるしね。ポートランドの他にも、ロスやブリスベーン、昨年は香港のアートショーにも参加しています。ブラジルの展覧会に招待された作家もいるよ。あと、今年3月にルクセンブルグで開催されるインターナショナル・マガジン・シンポジウム「COLOPHON 2009」にディグミーアウトが正式招待されたよ。










谷口 純弘
FM802/digmeoutプロデューサー。アートブック「digmeout」編集者。アメリカ村「digmeout ART & DINER」キュレーター。2004年、アーティストエージェント「digmeoutFACTORY」をスタート。若手アーティストを起用した海外での展覧会、企業プロモーションなどを数多く手がけている。「」を使ったアーティスト発掘ページ「AUDITION EVERYDAY」が話題を集めている。
, a huge first step is to be recognized by digmeout. We interviewed Yoshihiro Taniguchi, a producer of digmeout, which has been active collaborating with big firms nationally and internationally.

Please introduce yourself and your job.

My name is Yoshihiro Taniguchi and I’m a producer of “digmeout”, which is a project in Osaka that is geared to find new artists and to promote them and their work throughout the world. The project is hosted by 802 FM, which is the hottest FM station in Japan’s Western region.
On the, new artists enter their new work everyday. From their, we select some artists to collaborate with and couple them with companies like NIKE, SONY, or NISSAN; as well as publishing books and holding exhibitions.

Please tell us about the art scene in Osaka.

I think it has something to do with the character of people in Osaka very much. People in Osaka are known as “gourmands”, so we don’t make a point of reports. For example, if a very famous restaurant opens in Osaka, and they make customers wait in long lines, give unkind service, or have expensive meals, we say, ‘no.’ Also, if they give you a nasty meal, then no one will visit the restaurant anymore. People in Osaka like cheap and tasty food regardless of the popularity of the restaurant. So we’re good at finding our favorite restaurants with our own distinctive sense. Once we find them, we tell everybody about it. It’s the same in the art scene, you know? Digmeout is located in such a town.

Digmeout hosts shows with many artists overseas. How do they react? Where do you hold exhibitions?

The gallery that dug us out in the beginning is called the Compound Gallery in Portland, Oregon. The people in Portland are friendly – similar to the people in Osaka. The city is small, but there are many head offices of worldwide companies like Nike and Widen+Kennedy in Portland (they’re ready to deliver trends to the world). Creators and directors appreciate our work in Portland, and have welcomed us as a member of their community. Our confidence has a lot to do with it… I love Portland; there’s a huge bookstore called Powell’s and a hotel called Ace Hotel. In addition to Portland, we took part in art shows held in Los Angeles, Brisbane, and Hong Kong. ..there are some artists who were invited to an exhibition in Brazil, and we’ve been formally invited to Colophon 2009 by The International Magazine Symposium, which will be held in Luxemburg in March.

Please tell us about your favorite places in Osaka.

As you arrive in Osaka, please visit our gallery café “digmeout ART & DINER.” Art fans come here from all over the world – you can get information online. During the weekends, we’re open 24 hours a day, and offer Wi-Fi.

Also, there’s a place called “graf” in Nakanoshima, Osaka. The place is full of creative ideas that focus on interior design. In front of graf is The National Museum of Art and City Science Center. Nakanoshima is becoming a new cultural area with the recent new subway line. Near graf is my favorite French restaurant, Tout Le Monde.

If you like old books, you should visit “Corner Shop” on the first floor in Minami Senba. Although it’s very small, it’s a goldmine in the Namba temple. If you wanna get Japanese photographic books or art books from the 60’s you will love this store. Along with the books, a cup of espresso brewed by the owner himself is sure to make you happy. There’s another must-visit bookstore called “Colombo” on the third floor in the same building.

Also, located in Minami Senba, is Osakanourinkaikan, which is an old western style house built in 1929 that consists of shops and design studios, boutiques, bazaars, galleries, and a bookstore called “Berlin Books.” My friend Jyunzou Terashima’s studio and shop called “Comes Mart” is here, also.

You should visit “Jaz B0 Records” in Minami if you want to buy vintage records. This shop has hundreds of non-mainstream country, calypso, and old jazz records. I got this feeling that Thurston Moore haunts this shop. The owner of the shop is an odd funny person.

Well, I’m getting hungry. How about some Japanese grilled chicken? There’s a Japanese grilled chicken restaurant called “Kunikataseisakujyo” located in my neighborhood. The restaurant is a refinished old-fashioned house called “Machiya” in Osaka. You can enjoy your meal on the tatami floor their. There’s a small café “Pokopen” around here also, and the owner is a member of the performance group “Kodomokyojin” who has performed in France and Belgium…so the place is always full of creators from Europe everyday.

The end of the town tour brings us to a place called “Bar Jazz” in Shinsaibashi. This bar is full of good jazz played through a JBL/Mac sound system. Not only does this bar have good music, it has extremely good alcohol! I’m sure this bar’s mojito is the best in the world (one of my friends from London agrees with me).

Everyday, I search for design books and good restaurants on my lovely vintage Peugeot. If you see me in Osaka, please call me out; I’m usually in digmeout ART&DINER.

Yoshihiro Taniguchi
FM802/digmeout producer, An editor of an art book “digmeout”, a curator of “digmeout ART&DIENR” in America Mura. In 2004, he had sterted the artist’s agent “digmeout FACTORY” and sets out over sees exhibitions with new artists, promotion of company and so on.

Translation: Haruka Kibata

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