This furniture store that is usually unusual was born in 1997. Two people, Norihiko Kise and Hiromi Karatsu, opened it in Tamatsukuri, Osaka. Initially, it was a home, workplace, and a store普通でいて、普通でない家具屋が生まれたのは1997年。黄瀬徳彦さんと唐津裕美さんの2人が、大阪・玉造にオープンした。当初は、家と仕事場と店舗を兼ねていた。「生活」に根ざした家具はその時から作られたのかもしれない。1999年には「AREA2」をオープンし、2009年からは旭区に移転し現在に至る。
TRUCKの家具には暖かさと安心感がある。ショールームに一歩足を踏み入れればわかるだろう。TRUCKの世界観で満ちあふれたその空間では、自由に家具に触れることができる。コーデュロイの張り地にフェザークッションがついた「FK SOFA」に座ってみると、ほっとできる居心地のよさに包まれた。座ったまま視線を持ち上げると、壁の上部に開いた窓から青空が見えた。そして、耳になじむ音楽と話し声と大型犬の鳴き声。全てがその空間に混ざり合って、穏やかに共存している。ソファ・机・椅子などの家具は、木、革、鉄の素材をメインに作られている。カラフルな色でごまかしたりしない。生活で使用していくにつれてできる傷や染みも、時が経てば愛おしい思い出となる。人間と共に、家具も成長していく。そうTRUCKの家具は、家族のように人に寄り添ってくれる。
Text: Chiaki Ogura. The furniture based on “lifestyle” was probably created during this time when it occupied many purposes. In 1999, “AREA2” opened, and from 2009, it transferred locations to Asahi-ku.
There is a feeling of warmth and peace of mind in the furniture of TRUCK. You will know once you set foot in the showroom. In this space that encompasses the world of TRUCK, you may freely touch the furniture. When one sits down on the feather cushion that was added to the corduroy upholstery of the “FK SOFA”, they are wrapped in a warm coziness. If you lift your gaze as you sit, the blue sky can be seen through the open window in the top of the wall, and our ears begin to be filled with music, chatter and a bark of a large dog. Everything in this space blends together and peacefully coexists. The furniture, such as desks, chairs, and sofas, are made from material such as wood, leather, and iron. They are not camouflaged by colors. The scratches and strains from use become even more precious as time progresses. As with human beings, the furniture grows and changes. This furniture in TRUCK stays close to us as if it were family.
Across the showroom is BIRD, a cafe surrounded by TRUCK original furniture, where you can sample the cooking of lead chef Kentaro. This cafe is matched to the space, and the most popular item is the fluffy, sweet doughnuts.
“This is a place for the people of Osaka. It was made here, it represents that style that sells here, and it will always continue.” Their family will continue creating in this location for years to come. Without following the urging of others, they will not lose sight of this dream.
Address: 6-8-48 Shinmori, Asahi-ku, Osaka
Opening Hours: 11:00-19:00
Closed on Tuesday, 1st and 3rd Wednesday
Tel: 06-6958-7055
Text: Chiaki Ogura
Translation: Amanda Shockley