



A hair salon “THE SALON” is known that a top hair stylist Kenshin Asano who is living in New York, is involved as the producer of the salon. It opened in autumn 2008 with the concept “shape invisible feeling”ニューヨーク在住のトップヘアスタイリスト・KENSHIN氏がプロデューサーとして参加していることでも知られるヘアサロン「THE SALON」。それまでアメリカやイギリスそして国内のサロンでディレクターなどを担当したKENSHIN氏、、万福氏を含めた3人が「目に見えない“心”を形に」というコンセプトのもと2008年秋にオープンした。



ウェブサイト上ではヘアサロンでありながら自らメディアとして独自の視点でファッションやビューティー、アート、カルチャー、音楽情報など編集し「THE MAGAZINE」と称して公開しており、サロンスタッフの包括的なセンスの良さが垣間見え、ユーザーやサロン利用者との意識や感覚の共有を助ける重要なコミュニケーションツールとして役立っている。

また自分達を育ててきた「髪への恩返し」としてサロン業務とは別でNPO法人「JAPAN HAIR DONATION & CHARITY」を設立し、病気等で髪の毛を失った子供達へ医療用のカツラを無償で提供するため募金や毛束の寄付を呼びかけている。

ニュープロジェクトとして、「2010 THE SALON VISUAL “DREAMER”」のアートワークを手がけた田嶋吉信氏をクリエイティブディレクターに迎え、新しいビジュアルコミュニケーションを目的としグラフィックアートをテーマにした「THE SALON A to Z」も計画しており今後の展開に注目したい。


営業時間:10:00〜20:00 (日・祝日19:00まで)完全予約制

Text: Akihiko Hamada
stated by three founders who were in charge of salon director or another important position in US, UK and domestic salons including Kenshin and Mr.Manpuku who is a salon director.

The interior where is made over from a private house, excellently harmonizes various different elements such as the fitting room where Barcelona tiles are set on the floor, tropical head spa space and museum inspired display showcase which head accessories and fashion and art magazines from domestic and overseas are sold, and conducts the visitors to extraordinary space.

The 120 hair care products which were selected from all over the world as inevitable for providing the best hair care service depending on moments of each customer’s hair condition and create best hair style for every single customers, are one of the best part of it.

They upload their own web magazine called “THE MAGAZINE” that is consisted of 7 contents like art, sounds, fashion & beauty etc edited by unique point of view in spite of hair salon and it can be caught glimpse of comprehensive good sense of salon staffs as well as helping as an important communication tool to share same consciousness or sense between salon staffs and salon visitors or web viewers.

They also launched NPO named “JAPAN HAIR DONATION & CHARITY” which is separately running from salon business as “repayment of a kindness to hair” which brought them up, and are appealing bundles of hair donation or fundraising to provide medical wigs gratis to children who have lost hair by diseases, accidents or operations.

We pay attention to the development of their exciting new graphic themed project called “THE SALON A to Z” which purpose is new visual communication will be made by Yoshi Tajima who are appointed as the creative director and collaborated with THE SALON for “2010 THE SALON VISUAL DREAMER” art work.

We want you to undergo the salon’s haute couture hair service behind the proof of unshakable philosophy, the insatiable spirit of inquiring mind to “beauty”, and abundant experience by all means.

Address: 3-8-18 Toyosaki, Kita-ku, Osaka
Open: 10:00-20:00 (Sunday and Public Holiday till 19:00) Appointment Only
Closed on Monday and 3rd Tuesday
Tel: 06-6359-3779

Text: Akihiko Hamada


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