
大阪国立国際美術館The National Museum of Art, Osaka

国立国際美術館は、1977年、国内外の現代美術を中心とした作品を収集・保管・展示し、関連する調査研究及び事業を行うことを目的として開館しました。The National Museum of Art, Osaka was opened in 1977 with the primary aim of collecting, storing and displaying both Japanese and foreign contemporary art as well as conducting related research activities.建物は、1970年の日本万国博覧会開催に際して建設された万国博美術館を活用し、以来、わが国の現代美術の発展を願い、活動を継続してきました。その間、竣工以来30余年が経ち、施設の老朽化などに問題が生じてきたため、大阪・中之島西部地区に、完全地下型の美術館として新築、移転することになりました。


時間:10:00〜17:00 ※入館は閉館時刻の30分前まで
By making use of the Expo Museum of Fine Arts, which had been built for Expo ’70, the museum facility continued to encourage development in Japanese contemporary art.

Some thirty years after its construction, as a result of aging and other problems, it was decided to relocate the museum and build a new structure in the form of a completely underground facility in the western section of Osaka’s Nakanoshima district.

The new museum, while continuing to pursue its original goal of presenting contemporary art, will introduce an even wider range of foreign and domestic art trends in addition to engaging in activities that correspond to a variety of public needs and expectations.

With an exterior design inspired by the life force of bamboo and the development and cultivation of contemporary art, the new facility will serve as a public space that creates interaction between people and art, and provides an even more comfortable environment to appreciate art. As a new hub of culture in Nakanoshima, the site of special historical and cultural significance over the years, it is our hope that the museum will become a familiar destination for everyone.

The National Museum of Art, Osaka
Address: 4-2-55 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka
Open: 10:00-17:00 (Closed on Monday)
Tel: 06-4860-8600
Digmeout 艺术&晚餐
时间:10:00-17:00 (16:30入场)

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