
洞爺湖Lake Toya

© Town of Toya

Lake Toya is the third largest caldera lake in Japan. “Toya Caldera and Usu Volcano Geopark” has been added to the list of UNESCO Global Geoparks Network as the first registered Geopark in Japan洞爺湖は日本で3番目に大きいカルデラ湖。その特徴的な地質により、2009年8月22日に洞爺湖有珠山ジオパークが日本で初めてユネスコの「世界ジオパーク」(地質遺産公園)に認定された。2008年には、ウィンザーホテル洞爺G8北海道サミットの会場になったことで、世界的にも知られる地域となっている。







Text: Ayano Yamada
since August 22nd 2009. Toya became known as it has The Windsor Hotel Toya, where G8 Hokkaido Summit was held in 2008.

The Global Geoparks Network is defined by UNESCO as a territory encompassing one or more sites of scientific importance, not only for geological reasons but also by virtue of its archaeological, ecological or cultural value. The Itoigawa Geopark (Niigata) and the Unzen Volcanic Area Geopark (Nagasaki) are also resgistered as first Geopark in Japan. The Global Geoparks Network has 63 members in 19 countries and regions. (August 2009)

Lake Toya was formed by eruption occurred about 110,000 years ago. Scale of the eruption was remarkably large and the volcanic ashes were carried to Tohoku region. Around Lake Toya, there are still many active volcanos such as Mt. Usu. They all are included with the Toya Caldera and Usu Volcano Geopark.

You can enjoy viewing various public arts around Lake Toya. There are 58 sculptures displayed in the Toyako Sculpture Park spread around the lakeside for 43km long, including Kan Yasuda’s ISHINKI and KAISEI among other national and international 56 artists’ works.

There is Toyako Museum of Art at the lakeside, where showcases works of an Asahikawa-born artist Bikky Sunazawa and various art works selected for Toyamura International Sculpture Biennale held for 1993-2007. Must check out when you visit Toyako.

In Toya, there are a lot of accommodations in Toyako Onsen (hot springs). You can also enjoy outdoor activities like canoeing and trekking.

Lake Toya
Address: Toyako-cho, Abuta, Hokkaido
Tel: 0142-76-2121

Text: Ayano Yamada

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