
荒井記念美術館Arai Memorial Museum of Art

© Arai Memorial Museum of Art

© Arai Memorial Museum of Art

Opened in the town of Iwanai near Niseko in 1989, Arai Memorial Museum of Art is a private art museum that houses art works of Picasso and Keiyu Nishimuraニセコからほど近い岩内町に1989年に開館した「荒井記念美術館」は、ピカソ、西村計雄の作品を中心に収蔵する私設美術館。ピカソの版画作品所蔵数は267点で、まとまったピカソの版画コレクションとしては日本最大級。ピカソ版画展は年3回展示替を行っている。





開館時間:9:00〜17:00(5月〜9月 10:00〜18:00)入場は閉館30分前まで
入館料:一般 1,000円、大・高生 700円、中・小学生 400円
. It is also known as one of the largest collection of Picasso’s print art in Japan, housing 267 pieces. It changes Picasso’s print art exhibitions 3 times a year.

The museum also showcases works of Keiyu Nishimura, an artist who was born in Kyowa-cho, Hokkaido, and lived in Paris. He was found by an art dealer of Picasso, Kahnweiler and flowered his talent. The museum changes the exhibit twice a year. His works can also be viewed at Musée Kéou Nishimura, which was opened in Kyowa-cho in 1999.

Iwanai-cho is known as a set of one of the Takeo Arishima’s novel, and is a place where a painter Kinjiro Kida who was the model character lived his whole life. To commemorate them, it opened an annex “Umareizurunayami Museum” to exhibit works with the theme “Umareizurunayami” created by the Hokkaido-based artists. It also displays documents regarding Takeo Arishima.

There is a garden next to the museum, where you can view various sculptural works of Kan Yasuda and Yukio Watanabe among others.

In Iwanai-cho and surrounding areas, there are several art museums such as Kida Kinjiro Museum of Art in Iwanai, Musée Kéou Nishimura in Kyowa-cho, Shu Ogawara Museum of Art in Kutchan-cho, and Arishima Takeo Memorial Museum in Niseko. Shiribeshi Museum Road is connecting these areas, where gives a glimpse into the art culture created during the period of Meiji to Taisho, the earliest days of the art in Hokkaido.

Arai Memorial Museum of Art
Address: 505 Aza Nozuka, Iwanai-cho, Iwanai, Hokkaido
Open: 9:00-17:00 (May – September 10:00-18:00)
Closed on Monday and Winter season (middole of December – April)
Admission: Adult 1,000 yen, University and High school students 700 yen
Tel: 0135-63-1111

Translation: Mariko Takei

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