ガバナーズ島Governors Island

© Photo: A. Frieden
Governors Island just off the southern tip of Manhattan. No private cars are allowed on the island, and with plenty of wide open spaces and elegant trees it’s a welcome break from the trafficマンハッタンの南端に位置するガバナーズ島。私用車での島への出入りは禁止されており、ニューヨークの通りに満ちている汚れた空気、雑音、交通渋滞などから離れて、広大な開けた空間とエレガントに立並ぶ木々が歓迎してくれる。
Governors Island
Text: Aya Karpinska
Translation: Kazunari Hongo, noise, and rather unfresh smell that New York streets get during the summer.
The island is host to many events all summer long. You can visit artist’s studios, buy fruits and vegetables from an organic farm, listen to a concert at Water Taxi Beach (an impressive summer line-up included MIA and Benny Benassi), visit colonial-era buildings, or watch a film.
A visit to Governors Island makes for a wonderfully mellow day trip. The best way to visit the island is on a bike: bring your own or rent one (visit on Friday to for a free one-hour rental).
Governors Island
Governors Island is open every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday through October 10.
The ferry to Governors Island is free. Ferry service runs from Manhattan to Governors Island every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Free ferry service runs from Brooklyn to Governors Island every Saturday and Sunday.
Text: Aya Karpinska