
アップルストア グランドセントラル店Apple Store Grand Central

Everyone has a different answer for the question of where the energy of New York city comes from, but the people sharing the atmosphere of the city must be one of the essential reasonsニューヨークという街の活気はどこからやってくるかという問いには人それぞれの答えがあると思うが、街の空気を皆が共有しているということは大きな理由の一つではないだろうか。形式的な決まり事に従うことなく無く自分の時間で生活でき、人と人とを遮るものがないメルティングポット。グランドセントラル駅構内に出来たアップルストアは、駅中というよりも駅と店舗を区切る扉、敷居がないため駅の一部と化している。構内の心地よい喧騒の中ショッピングを楽しむ事ができ、多くの人が行き交うコンコースはニューヨークという街の風通しの良さを感じさせてくれる。


店内の商品は他の店と基本的に変わりはないのだが、駅のコンコースから階段を上がりすぐにMac Book、iPadなどの最新機種のコーナーがあり、多くの店員が接客にあたっている。テラスの向かって右側にはアクセサリーを集めた部屋、又左手にはメンテナンス、修理などをしてくれるジニアスバーが存在する。会計のためのレジスペースが見当たらず、ここではスタッフの持つカードリーダーが付いたiPhoneで決算するのが基本の様だ。もちろん店内はWi-Fiも自由に利用でき、ちょっとした空き時間に気軽に立ち寄ることができる。



アップルストア グランドセントラル店
住所:89 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017
営業時間:7:00〜21:00(土曜日10:00〜19:00, 日曜日11:00〜18:00)
TEL:+1 212 284 1800

Text: Yuji Shinfuku
for that. This is the melting pot where everybody can live his or her lives with open minds. The Apple store can be described as a part of the station, rather than simply a store in the station because a door and threshold doesn’t exist separating the two. Visitors can enjoy shopping in the comfortable noise of the station and the flow of the people through the concourse makes us realize how airy and good atmosphere this city is.

Apple Store grand central is still crowded with lots of people even a half year since their opening on December 9, 2011. This station is the biggest terminal in the city, used by 750,000 people in a day, and trains connect with major cities across the country. The station is located near the business district and is always crowded with commuters and tourists. It is the fifth and the biggest apple store in New York City with a 2140 square meters floor. The glass cube of the 5th street apple store is known as a 24-hour store, but the Apple store in Grand Central opens from 7 o’clock in the morning to 9 o’clock in the evening weekdays, and lots of businessmen visit here before their work.

The assortment of items in the store is basically the same as the other apple stores, but soon after climbing up a staircase in the concourse there is a section of new products such as the latest Mac Book and iPad, with many sales clerks to wait on customers. There is an accessory section at the terrace on the right; also there is a genius bar on the left, which takes care of maintenance and repairing. There is no check out counter in the store, here the staff uses a card reader attached to their iPhone as a register. Of course customers can use Wi-Fi in the store freely and

The station building features historical architecture built in 1871. It contains lots of restaurant and boutiques, and at the main concourse where the apple store is. We can look up at a constellation picture ceiling, which is famous for lighting up during the Christmas season. Even though the aim to build the apple store in grand central station is to target businessmen and tourists, it must be very a New York phenomenon that they actually built the Apple store in this historical place. Classic and high technology, opposite extremes combine here without sacrificing each other’s good point. It is remarkable that they are open to such a unique idea that no one has ever tried, and they actually turned the idea into reality.

A part of the Apple store Grand Central’s web page banner resembles the station departure board, showcasing the playful mind of Apple. Building an Apple store in Grand Central Station is a part of the redevelopment of New York City, but adding new meaning to a historical place, coexisting with the new seems like it is being done not only from a business point of view, but also from a perspective open to the city and people. We are looking forward to seeing what unique ideas Apple store Grand Central will present to us next. Whether you will buy something or not, it is definitely worth visiting.

Apple Store Grand Central
Address: 89 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017
Open: 7:00-21:00 (Saturday 10:00-19:00, Sunday 11:00-18:00)
Tel: +1 212 284 1800

Text: Yuji Shinfuku

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