

モゴヨンはニューヨークを拠点にし、純粋に仕事を楽しむ事を大事に日々活動している、デザインスタジオ。多方面に才能を生かすフランシスコ・ロペスとBased in New York, Mogollon is an Art Direction, Motion Graphics, Production Design and Graphic Design studio which purely trying to enjoy their work everyday.モニカ・ブランドによる作品はカラフルかつセクシー、時には小悪魔のように、そして微量の不気味さを私達に残す。しかしその鮮やかさがそれぞれを滑らかにブレンドし、忘れられない印象を焼き付ける。






スナッキーというファンキーな小さなバーがウィリアムスバーグにあるんですが、だいたい木曜日はそこで友人達と集まりビールと酒を飲んでいます。小さな日本料理や中華、韓国料理もあるし、音楽もいいんですよ。ウィリアムスバーグとグリーンポイントにはたくさんの遊ぶ場所があります。CoCo66や、 enid’sダイアモンド、ペンシルファクトリー、スィートウォータードゥモントモンキータウンとK&M(たまにフランシスコがレコードを回す場所)にもよく行きますね。

住所:85 Quay St, Suite 2B, Brooklyn, NY 11222

Text: Junko Isogawa

As Mogollon means ‘a lot’ in Spanish slang, they are talented in many ways.Francisco Lopez and Monica Brand’s works remain us colorful,sexy,naughty and slightly creepy impression, but its vividness will blend them smoothly, so they become unforgettable in the end.
This month we asked them to create our cover design. Here’s their latest voice which you can’t miss.

Could you tell us about your company?

Mogollon started in 2004 after a collaboration that we (Francisco Lopez and Monica Brand) did for PS1/MoMA as we were commissioned to document an installation piece there. We felt very good working with each other so we decided to start an art direction studio near were we live in Brooklyn, New York. Mogollon was born as a means to produce art direction for design, print, film, theater, photography and fashion.
We didn’t want to restrain ourselves to a single discipline, so we created Mogollon (which is the Spanish slang for “a lot”) as our channel to interweave many artistic threads into one piece of work. The music industry is great for us since it’s allowed us to explore everything from CD cover designs, to posters, to music videos, etc.

What do you think you have been influenced by?

We are inspired by a lot of work from different artists and genres.
The ones that come to mind right now are Jack Smith, R. W. Fassbinder, Arnulf Rainer, Agnes Varda, Throbing Gristle, Jean Cocteau, Godard, Buñuel, Caravaggio, Neo Rauch, Hokusai, the French new wave films, the good music, comic books, specially by Daniel Clowes, Robert crumb and Charles Burns, Raymond Pettibon and we love french design.

Where do you guys usually hang out? Can you recommend us cool places in Brooklyn?

There is this tiny funky bar in Williamsburg called “Snacky” where we meet every Thursday with friends for beer and sake (a deal they call Zatoichi). They also have great small Japanesse/Chinesse/Korean plates and cool music.
There are lots of cool places in Williamsburg and Greenpoint to hang out. We are frequents of CoCo66, enid’s, Diamond, Pencil Factory, Sweet Water, Dumont, Monkey Town and K&M (where Francisco plays records some times).

Address: 85 Quay St, Suite 2B, Brooklyn, NY 11222
Tel: +1-718-383-9670

Text: Junko Isogawa
地址: 85 Quay St, Suite 2B, Brooklyn, NY 11222
电话: +1-718-383-9670

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