
リー・カーターLee Carter

地元ニューヨークや世界のファッションシーンを知ることのできるオンラインファッション誌の「ヒント・ファッション・マガジン」。Hint Fashion Magazine is an online-based fashion magazine which offers information about fashion scenes in the world as well as in New York.オンラインという特性をうまく利用した、音楽や動画を盛り込んだインタラクティブなファッションフォトは2001年ウェビー賞のファッション部門で受賞を果たしている。ヒント・マガジンの生みの親で編集長を務めるリー・カーターは、ニューヨーク在住15年。ファッションを軸に自身の拠点を置くニューヨークについて彼の意見を伺った。









Lee Carter

Text: Mariko Takei
Translation: Tatsuhiko Akutsu & Mariko Takei
Taking advantage of the nature of online magazine, the fashion photos that interactively incorporate music and movie won in 2001 Webby Award in fashion category. Lee Carter,the founder and editor-in-chief of Hint Magazine, has lived in New York since 15 years ago and told us about New York of his base.

Please tell us yourself and your recent activity.

I am the founder and editor-in-chief of the New York fashion site We cover alternative fashion here and around the world. One of the things we’re known for is our multimedia fashion shoots with animation and music. We’ve won a Webby Award and we’ve been nominated for a National Magazine Award, which is the highest honor in publishing.

Please tell us about your city, and how about living in your city for yourself/activity.

I’ve lived in New York for 15 years. I moved here after graduating in art history from UCLA. Currently I live near Washington Square Park. Of course New York is a great place to be, especially lower Manhattan, even if the rents are outrageous. Until recently, there was a lot of construction, especially on Bowery, but now, with the terrible economy, a lot of those projects will not be finished.

Please tell us a favourite places in the city you live and work in.

There’s never a shortage of things to do in New York. For example, tomorrow I’m going to Film Forum for the debut screening of Chiara Clemente’s new documentary. Recently one of my writers took me to Nowhere, a low-key gay bar on 14th Street. And next week is Fashion Week, always a marathon of shows and parties.

What do you think about the fashion scene in the city?

I love it, but it’s very commercial. In America, fashion is all about selling, which is fine. In Europe and Japan, it’s more about artistry, which I prefer.

Lee Carter
Lee Carter living in New York for 15 years. He was graduate of art history from UCLA. He works by editor and chief of the New York fashion site

Text: Mariko Takei

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