
プラダ・ニューヨーク・ストアPRADA NEW YORK STORE

1999年まで、グッゲンハイム美術館のブランチともいえるグッゲンハイム・ソーホーは、ニューヨークのダウンタウン、ブロードウェイとプリンスストリートが交差する角に見つけることが出来た。今年のいつだったであろうか。Until 1999, a branch of Guggenheim Museum, Guggenheim Soho, was located on the corner of Broadway and Prince Street in downtown New York.通りに面したディスプレイ用のウィンドウは突然、表からは見られなくなり足場が組まれ始めた。そこにはある特定の複合企業のロゴがあった。そのロゴは「プラダ」と読めた。







住所:575 Broadway, New York, NY 10012
時間:月〜金 11:00〜19:00/日曜 12:00〜18:00
TEL:+1 212 334 8888

Text: Rei Inamoto From Interfere
Translation: Sachiko Kurashina
Sometime that year, the display windows of the museum that faced both streets were suddenly closed down and were then replaced with scaffolds that held a logo of a certain conglomerate. The logo read “Prada.”

The brilliance of Rem Koolhaas, the architect behind the new Prada store in Soho, and his client Prada is that they realized this shift and embraced it.

Upon entering the store, a set of huge mannequins welcomes the visitors. Behind them is a curved slope that cuts through the center of the store, blurring the floors of the building. One side of this slope behaves as a set of display shelves while providing seating areas for shoppers/spectators. On the other side is a stage area that can hold a fashion show, or even a theatrical event. During the day, the space is a commercial space. By night, it transforms itself into a cultural space.

The displays in the store are made mobile so that they can easily be moved out of the way on such occasions. Most of the mannequins are cased in cages hung from the ceiling with motorized suspenders.

There have been attempts at bringing art into commerce in the recent past but never has it been done on such a conceptual yet tangible level. Better yet, it is actually realized and materialized in this Prada store.

This store includes other innovative approaches to shopping. For instance, dressing rooms use video technology that allows the shopper to see herself from her back. In retrospect, innovation like this is obvious. In prospect, it seems crazy.

There are several more Prada stores in the works. One is planned to open in Los Angeles early this year and another San Francisco later in the year. Although they will most likely be delayed, it is worth the wait for the new perspective that Prada and Koolhaas might bring to commerce and culture.

Prada New York Store
Address: 575 Broadway, New York, NY 10012
Open: Mon-Fri 11:00-19:00 / Sun 12:00-18:00
Tel: +1 212 334 8888

Text: Rei Inamoto From Interfere
地址:575 Broadway, NewYork, NY10012
电话:+1 212 334 8888

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