
ホイットニー美術館Whitney Museum of American Art

The new building in the evening, October 2014, Photo: Timothy Schenck

The new building in the evening, October 2014, Photo: Timothy Schenck

The Whitney Museum of American Art will be transferred to an area which is currently attracting a lot of attention for progressive redevelopment. The High Line Park再開発が進む今注目のエリアに新たに移転する事になったホイットニー美術館。ハドソン川に面したハイ・ライン・パークは、もともと高架貨物線の跡地を再利用し、2009年に空中緑道としてオープンした場所である。現在はおしゃれなブティックやクラブなどが増えているミートパッキングエリアから、ギャラリーのひしめくチェルシー地区を抜けて1.6キロ続くこの公園は、多くの人が訪れる市民の憩いの場として機能している。




Whitney Museum of American Art
住所:99 Gansevoort Street, New York, NY 10014

Text: Yuji Shinfuku
(where the museum chose for its new base beneath the High Line), is an elevated aerial greenway that opened in 2009 which reused a former site of a freight line. The park, which runs 1.6km from the Meatpacking District – where a number of fashionable boutiques and clubs are on the increase – through the gallery-crowded Chelsea, functions as a place of recreation and relaxation for many visitors.

The nine-story building provides a total of about 4,600 square meters of gallery space, including two floors for permanent exhibition – showing as many as 21,000 items. This planned exhibition space ranging from about 1,670 square meters is the largest in New York, with another approximately 1,200 square meters for an outdoor exhibition space.

This museum founded by Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney is known to have particular emphasis on American art. As an embodiment of the history of American art, it may as well be said that the museum has had a strong relationship with many American artists who have lived the same era together.

Architect Renzo Piano was inspired by the spirit of the American contemporary artist Robert Smithson who said, “A city gradually returns to a natural state”. Through the design of the new building; Piano links the High Line, fashion, architecture and the relocation of the art museum (along with its long history) into one thought – into one idea that both reflects and embodies the philosophy of the Whitney Museum of American Art.

The new building will be opened on May 1st together with a large-scale exhibition of the permanent collection. Whilst enjoying the new museum and feeling the breeze from the Hudson River, one may think, of how New York both preserves its history and creates change. Of how and where America is changing?

Whitney Museum of American Art
Address: 99 Gansevoort Street, New York, NY 10014
Opening Hours: 11:00 – 18:00 (13:00 – 21:00 on Friday)
Closed on Monday and Tuesday
Admission: 18$
Tel: +1-212-570-3600

Text: Yuji Shinfuku
Translation: Moeko Noguchi

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